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my first week in china

I've been here in Beijing at Beihang University for a week now. The lectures starts on tuesday so I have had some time to explore the surrounding area and check out some markets. So far it has been a great experience and from a swedes point of view the chinese are very friendly and open for contact. I wish I had some language skills to be able to chat with people but that will change (hopefully!).

Some photos : http://www.flickr.com//photos/keithakid/sets/72157627476683131/show/


8 days left

Eight days left until I head to Beijing for at least one year! :)

Hopefully I will get a room in the Beihang dormitory as 1300 a month seems cheap.



My summer job started really early this year so I need to study for the final exams while i work (12 hours shifts drains your energy). I took a few hours off prepping for exams and went to the local park with my camera. I met this little cute crow jumping around trying to find some food. They are usually very shy but I managed to take a nice photo of it:

photo of the crow

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