Translating short sentences: 回忆起过去那如火如荼的革命岁月...
By Epickyle,
Have almost finished translating the song 纯真年代 so will post that up when done, but to take a break and try translating some smaller passages I'm going to copy some sample sentences from's dictionary. Here is the first one I tried with my translation underneath:
A: 回忆起过去那如火如荼的革命岁月,他激动不已。
B: 岁月漫长,世事如白云苍狗
A: Remembering the rapidly growing revolutionary years, he is endlessly excited
B: The years are endless, world affairs are like white clouds and dark green dogs
- 回忆起过去
"memories form and pass by".
I thought remembering or as he remembered would be an appropriate translation but I am unsure.
- 那如火如荼的革命岁月
"That like fire like bitter herb revolution years".
This really confused me when I broke it down as I didn't know how to combine the 如火如荼 part. The dictionary said it was a saying meaning either "magnificent" or "originally used to describe a soldier's demeanor and discipline; developing quickly; growing rapidly;blazing", so I opted for rapidly growing as seems more appropriate to describe a revolution.
- 他激动不已
"He excited endlessly".
I thought this would sound better as "His excitement is endless" but that would need 的, and the translation that I have for 不已 is endlessly, which is an adverb. I would have used this first translation but when I saw that 漫长 translates as endless in the second phrase I compared the two.
I don't know what time frame the first line occurs in. Present tense? - As he remembers the revolutionary years he is endlessly excited, or past tense? - As he remembered the revolutionary years he was endlessly excited.
- 岁月漫长,世事如白云苍狗
I'm not sure about the last line, says that it's a saying meaning "how things change in this world". My literal translation looks a bit silly but it's based on my current knowledge so I will leave it as it stands.
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