Challenge 2: Reading and writing level up! Day 1
So to get going again I am starting a new challenge. I've had a 3 week break so it's time to consolidate and build up areas that I did not focus on before. I will also be beginning Korean this month but real slow. I know my target speeds are ambitious... but that's what makes it a challenge
Challenge 2: Reading and writing level up!
handwriting and typing all HSK3 600 characters in 1 month
-> target speed of 40 characters per minute
- and reading well, to read an HSK 3 book by month end -> target speed of 40 characters per minute
Today I was gathering materials and making a game plan.
- Found tons of writing practice PDF's
- work on minimum 20 characters a day, writing, typing
- I will finish the HSK 3 course on coursera.
- I will work on Hello Chinese again, use sticky study ever so often to keep my vocab.
- My English typing is slow so I'll be training to touch type as well, else I'll never get to typing 40 chars a minute
- I'm going through character book reviews to see if I'll like to use any of them
- I will use learning with texts - I'll use a lot of songs I've come to love and poetry and idioms, yes this will be extra vocab that I don't know but I enjoy the material more so...
- I will use new reading sites e.g. little fox, chairmans bao, duchinese, dong chinese
- join the tadoku reading challenge
- also add anki sentences into the mix
Worked on the first 20 characters.
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