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Cinema Tickets again



Realia collected on a recent evening out.

1) What film did we watch? Summarize the plot and explain for those of us who got confused.

2) Were these full price tickets?

3) Using a subway map and www.bjbus.com, plan a route home to the east gate of Tsinghua University.


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3) With the money you saved from your 特惠票, take a taxi. No, seriously, I couldn't figure out how to use bjbus.com. After using maps.google.com, in which I can just drag my starting and stopping points, everything else seems so hard to use.

Or walk to the 东四 station, take the 5 line to 惠新西街南口, take the 10 line to 知春路, then the 13 line to 五道口, and walk. Or skip the 13 line, and walk the 3 km. Or take the 5 line to 雍和宫, take the 2 line to 西直门, then the 13 line to 五道口, and walk.

Oh. I think I almost got this working. Walk to the 东四 station, take the 5 line to the

大屯路东 station, then take the 628 bus which I think should get you kind of sort of near where I think you want to go.

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