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Ireland's Potatos



A fine bit of marketing blarney.

1) What two things would an Irishman not joke about?

2) What two things does the company want to bring to the young of Taiwan?

and, er,

3) Which former US Vice-President am I emulating?


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Haha, good one! What a ridiculous string of stereotypes ;)

1) What two things would an Irishman not joke about?

婚姻 and 馬鈴薯, marriage and potatoes

2) What two things does the company want to bring to the young of Taiwan?

More than two things apparently:『希望講愛爾蘭人對馬鈴薯的情懷與對糧食的感恩精神傳達給臺灣的年輕族群,輕鬆愉快生活的同時也能珍惜糧食的可貴』, "We wish to pass on the Irish people's love of potatoes and appreciation of foodstuffs to Taiwan's youth. We wish pass on the notion of a carefree happy life, while at the same time convey the treasured praiseworthiness of foodstuffs themselves."

3) Which former US Vice-President am I emulating?

Er, um, ah, Jimmy Carter?

Edit: Oh, Vice-President... not the peanut farmer then, thanks jbradfor!

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婚姻 and 馬鈴薯

I had no idea the Irish do not joke about those things. I'm always amazed how much I learn about non-Chinese things here :P

[i also had no idea that 馬鈴薯 was another word for potato.]

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