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It seems that I keep posting pictures about trees.

Here is another one that I took today. What has happened to this tree?

On the other side of the tree there was the same notice but in English. And I learnt from the English notice that what had affected the tree was not what I had thought as I had misunderstood the relevant Chinese word. Guess what it is?


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Yes. And yes I guess it is the British way. Actually I still find the American way confusing. And could I just be allowed to stick to the British way without being laughed at? Some of my co-workers (Australians mainly) sometimes kind of laugh at our spellings (e.g. programme) ......

It seems that everyone understands 菌 as fungi. Is it because trees can only be infected by fungi? I automatically took it to mean 細菌 and did not realise it was 真菌 until I saw the word "fungicide" on the English notice.

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I was just lazy and went with anonymoose's idea. If I remember correctly I originally learned it as "germ", but sometimes things are different between Japanese and Chinese, as you know... :oops:

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I agree that DD-MM-YY is very logical, but it doesn't match the way we say dates, e.g. "March sixth two-thousand eleven". Some do say "sixth of March", but at least round these parts it's not very common.

Personally, I use "06 March 2011" -- it's in the logical order, and no one has to wonder which is the date and which is the month.

Except when I add a date to a file name. Then it's always 2011-03-06, so they get sorted in order.

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Except when I add a date to a file name. Then it's always 2011-03-06, so they get sorted in order.

I do the same, but without the dash, i.e. 20110306.

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