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A few Kunming signs

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New door



My apartment building just completed the installation of an electronic door system that requires a key card for entry.

The announcement, posted near the newly upgraded door, uses the kind of formal Chinese that sent me scrambling for my dictionary.

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If this is formal Chinese, what is not formal? :)

BTW what is 諮詢報裝 supposed to mean? I think it means 諮詢+報告+安裝, but is this common? It seems that they can just compress the words whatever way they like.

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The use of 尊敬 makes it formal to me. :o [i obviously don't have a great mind.]

The use of 單元 here is new to me, never seen that before. Don't you think that 單元門禁 is a bit formal as well? [And no, don't ask me how to phrase it informally, I have no idea.]

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The use of 尊敬 makes it formal to me.

There's a difference between formal and using formal Chinese.

But anyway, yes, elements of the notice did use 书面语, for example 未 instead of 没有, but abcdefg said

uses the kind of formal Chinese that...

making it sound as though the Chinese is somehow unexpectedly formal.

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