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One Child Policy



Since we haven't had a (proper *cough* *cough*) posing in a while, I think I would add this one from a while back.

Just one question: does one still see such signs?


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The picture was from a while back. I too am wondering if they still have them.

Far from a definitive answer, but I'll say I've never seen such billboards in the China cities where I've lived or visited. One year I even lived across the street from the Family Planning Bureau in Zhuhai. It had a small sign out front with some promotional information, but nothing as striking as the image you posted.

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Interesting. I have not seen such signs, but I do know that the one-child policy remains in place, although if a married couple are themselves both single children, then that couple is allowed to have two children (my informant is a single-child in a relationship with another single child).

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if a married couple are themselves both single children, then that couple is allowed to have two children (my informant is a single-child in a relationship with another single child).

Wouldn't that include most of the married couples?

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