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挑战#48:Random Related Trivia



Below are 7 random but somewhat related trivia questions. They are related in that the answer to a question contains one of the characters from the answer directly preceding it. To make this harder, I've decided to leave out the questions. Go ahead and search all you want. Good luck!

Edit: As a reminder, this 跳战 is a test of your English / Chinese search engine skills in addition to picture recognition and listening abilities. I've also added hints to some of the questions. I realize that there is a certain rewarding feeling for solving a puzzle without using hints. Therefore, I've structured them such that the answers to the hints are not the answers to the questions. Plus, the hints have additional spoiler tags.

1. blogentry-36257-0-05010600-1327998088_thumb.jpg (3 characters)


This city is at the southern end of China's Grand


2. blogentry-36257-0-54550600-1327998115_thumb.jpg (4 characters)


This Chinese city sits at the mouth of the



3. blogentry-36257-0-53795000-1327998143_thumb.jpgsong3.mp3 (5 characters)

4. blogentry-36257-0-81143200-1327998274_thumb.jpg (4 characters)


The main Taiwanese actress in this picture was in the French action film

The Transporter

5. blogentry-36257-0-56947300-1327998349_thumb.jpg (4 characters)

6. blogentry-36257-0-36802300-1327998379_thumb.jpg (4 characters)

7. blogentry-36257-0-37034000-1327998421_thumb.jpgsong7.mp3 (3 characters)


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I'm embarrassed to admit I've actually seen the movie in #4. I'm even more embarrassed to admit that I actually remember the (English) title. It was no where near as good as the cover lead me to expect.

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@jbradfor: I saw this movie also and am embarrassed to admit that I really liked it! But I had very little expectations going in and didn't really notice the cover much back then.

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The picture ones are really hard.

1. 东坡肉

2. 东方明珠

3. 明天会更好

4. 夕阳天使

5. 沈阳中街

6. 街头霸王

7. 王心凌

Update: Eventually got them all, I think.

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@feihong: Good work!

As a side note: I actually really enjoyed making this puzzle. The first two I had in mind already but the rest I randomly found based on the previous answers. I've never heard the song in #7 before until I made this and I sort of like it. I might watch the TV series at some point.

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