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Been using the EdX app for the past few days and must say its pretty good. Great for refreshing or working on sentance structure and words. Teacher is very easy to listen too and explains things pretty well. Would definitely recommend everyone to go through the course. I watched almost all of this set just on past few train rides.

Been using pleco a lot and daily for flash card npcr 1-5 and picking up my speed and accuracy greatly. Daily flash cards is really the best way to memorize words or read them daily.

Still on npcr 5 and will be till end of this week. Lesson is great and writing down the practice phrases in pinyin help a lot. Hopefully to transfer over to simplified eventually. Also did pimsluers disc set 2 lesson 5 twice and at about 90% accuracy so time to move on shortly.

Really need to start adding in a Chinese pod lesson here and there just to keep up with the common lingo that books do not show you.


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