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Lust Caution 色,戒


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I saw the film and I am ambivalent towards it. I think the sex scenes were a bit overdone, and actually shocking. One couple walked out of the cinema during the film.

However 15 or 20 years down the road, moviegoers will have a different standard in judging films and will probably think nothing of the scenes as they watch this film.

I felt Tony Leung was a good fit for the role. Few actors can effectively express emotions subtly with their face without some kind of extroversion. Leung expresses his emotions through his eyes. You can tell he feels internal conflict within him regarding the wartime character he is. And yet he still must do his job.

Good to hear Shanghainese, Cantonese, and Mandarin dialect all being used in the film.

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I saw the film in Shanghai and I thought it was one big yawn. I have seen lots of Ang Li's movies and love them all, especially Eat man drink woman, but I didn't like this one at all. I heard that some sex scenes were cut, but I can't believe that a few sex scenes could have made this any better. It was well done i suppose, but I just found the story boring. I didn't care about the characters at all...It was cool to hear different dialects though...probably the best thing I could say about it...

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by Skylee:

And the sex scenes are good enough for an adult film ... but I don't know if they are necessary. The director obviously finds them necessary and without them maybe we would not understand why people in the film do the things that they do....

Originally posted by Bhchao

I saw the film and I am ambivalent towards it. I think the sex scenes were a bit overdone, and actually shocking. One couple walked out of the cinema during the film.













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I don't understand #45.

I want to explain it gives me an impression that all those sex scenes in the film are used to express the word in the original story, which is “到女人心里的路通过阴道 The way goes through a woman’s heart is her vagina.”

In fact, it is not the right thing 张爱玲 wanted to express. Instead, I think 张 wanted express that in that uncertain social condition, a girl lived a vagrant life just felt so touched for someone who could make her heart feel warm., that she finally let 易 go at that critical time. She was willing to die for the temporary warmth in her heart, not sex or diamond.

Do you still remember the texts below?

一个店伙叫道:“干么呀?还不给我走?”那少年道:“好,走就走。”刚转过身去,另一个店伙叫道:“把馒头放下。”那少年依言将馒头放下,但白白的馒头上已留下几个污黑的手印,再也发卖不得。一个伙计大怒,出拳打去,那少年矮身躲过。郭靖见他可怜,知他饿得急了,忙抢上去拦住,道:“别动粗,算在我帐上。”捡起馒头,递给少年。那少年接过馒头,道:“这馒头做得不好。可怜东西,给你吃罢!”丢给门口一只癞皮小狗。小狗扑上去大嚼起来。 一个店伙叹道:“可惜,可惜,上白的肉馒头喂狗。”郭靖也是一楞,只道那少年腹中饥饿,这才抢了店家的馒头,哪知他却丢给狗子吃了。郭靖回座又吃。那少年跟了进来,侧着头望他。郭靖给他瞧得有些不好意思,招呼道:“你也来吃,好吗?”那少年笑道: “好,我一个人闷得无聊,正想找伴儿。”说的是一口江南口音。郭靖之母是浙江临安人,江南六怪都是嘉兴左近人氏,他从小听惯了江南口音,听那少年说的正是自己乡音,很感喜悦。那少年走到桌边坐下,郭靖吩咐店小二再拿饭菜。店小二见了少年这副肮脏穷样,老大不乐意,叫了半天,才懒洋洋的拿了碗碟过来。那少年发作道:“你道我穷,不配吃你店里的饭菜吗?只怕你拿最上等的酒菜来,还不合我的胃口呢。”店小二冷冷的道:“是么?你老人家点得出,咱们总是做得出,就只怕吃了没人回钞。”那少年向郭靖道:“任我吃多少,你都作东吗?”郭靖道:“当然,当然。”转头向店小二道:“快切一斤牛肉,半斤羊肝来。”他只道牛肉羊肝便是天下最好的美味,又问少年:“喝酒不喝?”那少年道:“别忙吃肉,咱们先吃果子。喂伙计,先来四干果、四鲜果、两咸酸、四蜜饯。”店小二吓了一跳,不意他口出大言,冷笑道:“大爷要些甚么果子蜜饯?”那少年道:“这种穷地方小酒店,好东西谅你也弄不出来,就这样吧,干果四样是荔枝、桂圆、蒸枣、银杏。鲜果你拣时新的。咸酸要砌香樱桃和姜丝梅儿,不知这儿买不买到?蜜饯吗?就是玫瑰金橘、香药葡萄、糖霜桃条、梨肉好郎君。”店小二听他说得十分在行,不由得收起小觑之心。那少年又道:“下酒菜这里没有新鲜鱼虾,嗯,就来八个马马虎虎的酒菜吧。”店小二问道:“爷们爱吃甚么?”少年道:“唉,不说清楚定是不成。八个酒菜是花炊鹌子、炒鸭掌、鸡舌羹、鹿肚酿江瑶、鸳鸯煎牛筋、菊花兔丝、爆獐腿、姜醋金银蹄子。我只拣你们这儿做得出的来点,名贵点儿的菜肴嘛,咱们也就免了。”店小二听得张大了口合不拢来,等他说完,道: “这八样菜价钱可不小哪,单是鸭掌和鸡舌羹,就得用几十只鸡鸭。”少年向郭靖一指道: “这位大爷做东,你道他吃不起吗?”店小二见郭靖身上一件黑貂甚是珍贵,心想就算你会不出钞,把这件黑貂皮剥下来抵数也尽够了,当下答应了,再问:“够用了吗?”少年道: “再配十二样下饭的菜,八样点心,也就差不多了。”店小二不敢再问菜名,只怕他点出来采办不到,当下吩咐厨下拣最上等的选配,又问少年:“爷们用甚么酒?小店有十年陈的三白汾酒,先打两角好不好?”少年道:“好吧,将就对付着喝喝!”不一会,果子蜜饯等物逐一送上桌来,郭靖每样一尝,件件都是从未吃过的美味。那少年高谈阔论,说的都是南方的风物人情,郭靖听他谈吐隽雅,见识渊博,不禁大为倾倒。他二师父是个饱学书生,但郭靖倾力学武,只是闲时才跟朱聪学些粗浅文字,这时听来,这少年的学识似不在二师父之下,不禁暗暗称奇,心想:“我只道他是个落魄贫儿,哪知学识竟这么高。中土人物,果然与塞外大不相同。”再过半个时辰,酒菜摆满了两张拼起来的桌子。那少年酒量甚浅,吃菜也只拣清淡的夹了几筷,忽然叫店小二过来,骂道:“你们这江瑶柱是五年前的宿货,这也能卖钱?”掌柜的听见了,忙过来陪笑道:“客官的舌头真灵。实在对不起。小店没江瑶柱,是去这里最大的酒楼长庆楼让来的。通张家口没新鲜货。”那少年挥挥手,又跟郭靖谈论起来,听他说是从蒙古来,就问起大漠的情景。郭靖受过师父嘱咐,不能泄露自己身分,只说些弹兔、射雕、驰马、捕狼等诸般趣事。那少年听得津津有味,听郭靖说到得意处不觉拍手大笑,神态甚是天真。郭靖一生长于沙漠,虽与拖雷、华筝两个小友交好,但铁木真爱惜幼子,拖雷常跟在父亲身边,少有空闲与他游玩。华筝则脾气极大,郭靖又不肯处处迁就顺让,尽管常在一起玩耍,却动不动便要吵架,虽然一会儿便言归于好,总是不甚相投,此时和这少年边吃边谈,不知如何,竟是感到了生平未有之喜。他本来口齿笨拙,不善言辞,通常总是给别人问到,才不得不答上几句,韩小莹常笑他颇有南希仁惜言如金之风,是四师父的入室子弟,可是这时竟说得滔滔不绝,把自己诸般蠢举傻事,除了学武及与铁木真有关的之外,竟一古脑儿的都说了出来,说到忘形之处,一把握住了少年的左手。一握了下,只觉他手掌温软嫩滑,柔若无骨,不觉一怔。那少年低低一笑,俯下了头。郭靖见他脸上满是煤黑,但颈后肤色却是白腻如脂、肌光胜雪,微觉奇怪,却也并不在意。那少年轻轻挣脱了手,道:“咱们说了这许久,菜冷了,饭也冷啦!”郭靖道:“是,冷菜也好吃。”那少年摇摇头。郭靖道:“那么叫热一下吧。”那少年道:“不,热过的菜都不好吃。”把店小二 叫来,命他把几十碗冷菜都撤下去倒掉,再用新鲜材料重做热菜。酒店中掌柜的、厨子、店小二个个称奇,既有生意,自然一一照办。蒙古人习俗,招待客人向来倾其所有,何况郭靖这次是平生第一次使钱,浑不知银钱的用途,但就算知道,既和那少年说得投契,心下不胜之喜,便多花十倍银钱,也丝毫不会放在心上。等到几十盆菜肴重新摆上,那少年只吃了几筷,就说饱了。店小二心中暗骂郭靖:“你这傻蛋,这小子把你冤上啦。”一会结帐,共是一十九两七钱四分。郭靖摸出一锭黄金,命店小二到银铺兑了银子付帐。

出得店来,朔风扑面。那少年似觉寒冷,缩了缩头颈,说道:“叨扰了,再见罢。”郭靖见他衣衫单薄,心下不忍,当下脱下貂裘,披在他身上,说道:“兄弟,你我一见如故,请把这件衣服穿了去。”他身边尚剩下四锭黄金,取出两锭,放在貂裘的袋中。那少年也不道谢,披了貂裘,飘然而去。那少年走出数十步,回过头来,见郭靖手牵着红马,站在长街上兀自望着自己,呆呆出神,知他舍不得就此分别,向他招了招手。郭靖快步过去,道:“贤弟可还缺少甚么?”那少年微微一笑,道:“还没请教兄长高姓大名。”郭靖笑道:“真是的,这倒忘了。我姓郭名靖。兄弟你呢?”那少年道:“我姓黄,单名一个蓉字。”郭靖道:“你要去哪里?若是回南方,咱们结伴同行如何?”黄蓉摇头道:“我不回南方。”忽然说道:“大哥,我肚子又饿啦。”郭靖喜道:“好,我再陪兄弟去用些酒饭便是。”这次黄蓉领着他到了张家口最大的酒楼长庆楼,铺陈全是仿照大宋旧京汴梁大酒楼的格局。黄蓉不再大点酒菜,只要了四碟精致细点,一壶龙井,两人又天南地北的谈了起来。黄蓉听郭靖说养了两头白雕,好生羡慕,说道:“我正不知到哪里去好,这么说,明儿我就上蒙古,也去捉两只小白雕玩玩。”郭靖道:“那可不容易碰上。”黄蓉道:“怎么你又碰上呢?”郭靖无言可答,只好笑笑,心想蒙古苦寒,朔风猛烈,他身子单薄,只怕禁受不住,问道:“你家在哪里?干么不回家?”黄蓉眼圈儿一红,道:“爹爹不要我啦。”郭靖道:“干么呀?”黄蓉道:“爹爹关住了一个人,老是不放,我见那人可怜,独个儿又闷得慌,便拿些好酒好菜给他吃,又陪他说话。爹爹恼了骂我,我就夜里偷偷逃了出来。”郭靖道:“你爹爹这时怕在想你呢。你妈呢?”黄蓉道:“早死啦,我从小就没妈。”郭靖道: “你玩够之后,就回家去罢。”黄蓉流下泪来,道:“爹爹不要我啦。”郭靖道:“不会的。”黄蓉道:“那么他干么不来找我?”郭靖道:“或许他是找的,不过没着。”黄蓉破涕为笑,道:“倒也说得是。那我玩够之后就回去,不过先得捉两只白雕儿。”两人谈了一阵途中见闻,郭靖说到八个穿男装的白衣女子意图夺马之事。 黄蓉问起小红马的性子脚程,听郭靖说后,神色十分欣羡,喝了一口茶,笑吟吟的道:“大哥,我向你讨一件宝物,你肯吗?” 郭靖道:“哪有不肯之理?”黄蓉道:“我就是喜欢你这匹汗血宝马。”郭靖毫不迟疑,道:“好,我送给兄弟就是。”黄蓉本是随口开个玩笑,心想他对这匹千载难逢的宝马爱若性命,自己与他不过萍水相逢,存心是要瞧瞧这老实人如何出口拒绝,哪知他答应得豪爽之至,实是大出意外,不禁愕然,心中感激,难以自已,忽然伏在桌上,呜呜咽咽的哭了起来。这一下郭靖更是大为意外,忙问:“兄弟,怎么?你身上不舒服吗?”黄蓉抬起头来,虽是满脸泪痕,却是喜笑颜开,只见他两条泪水在脸颊上垂了下来,洗去煤黑,露出两道白玉般的肌肤,笑道:“大哥,咱们走罢!”



……那为首的亲随道:“这些点心果物,小主说请道长和郭爷将就用些。两位住在哪里,小的这就送去。”其余亲随托上果盒,揭开盒盖,只见十二只盒中装了各式细点鲜果,模样十分精致。郭靖心想:“黄蓉贤弟爱吃精致点心,我多留些给他。 ”……


那少女对他们浑不理睬,笑道:“我是你的黄贤弟啊,你不睬我了吗?”郭靖再定神一看,果见她眉目口鼻确和黄蓉一模一样,说道:“你……你………”只说了两个“你”字,再也接不下去了。黄蓉嫣然一笑,说道:“我本是女子,谁要你黄贤弟、黄贤弟的叫我?快上船来罢。”郭靖恍在梦中,双足一点,跃上船去。黄河四鬼兀自将救人的赏格不断提高。黄蓉把小舟荡到湖心,取出酒菜,笑道:“咱们在这里喝酒赏雪,那不好吗?”这时离黄河四鬼已远,叫嚷之声已听不到了。郭靖心神渐定,笑道:“我真胡涂,一直当你是男子,以后不能再叫你黄贤弟啦!”黄蓉笑道:“你也别叫我黄贤妹,叫我作蓉儿罢。我爸爸一向这样叫的。”郭靖忽然想起,说道:“我给你带了点心来。”从怀里掏出完颜康送来的细点,哪知他背负王处一、换水化毒、奔波求药,早把点心压得或扁或烂,不成模样。黄蓉看了点心的样子,轻轻一笑。郭靖红了脸,道:“吃不得了!”拿起来要抛入湖中。黄蓉伸手接过,道:“我爱吃。”郭靖一怔,黄蓉已把一块点心放在口里吃起来。郭靖见她吃了几口,眼圈渐红,眼眶中慢慢充了泪水,更是不解。黄蓉道: “ 我生下来就没了妈,从没有谁这样记着我过……”说着几颗泪水流了下来。她取出一块洁白的手帕,郭靖以为她要擦拭泪水,哪知她把几块压烂了的点心细心包好,放在怀里,回眸一笑,道:“我慢慢的吃。”





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Thanks for the explanation.

You’re welcome.



The way goes through a woman’s heart is her vagina.

Lust, Caution.

In my opinion, none of the three above is Ang Lee wanted to express in his film.

And I think Tony Leung acts superbly. And the sex scenes :oops:are good enough for an adult film (not that I have seen many) but I don't know if they are necessary. The director obviously finds them necessary and without them maybe we would not understand why people in the film do the things that they do ...... (which reminds me of the french film Betty Blue)

You are quite right, skylee, that, to the director, the sex scenes are quite necessary. I will tell you why later.

As I mentioned above, none of the three ideas is Ang Lee wanted to express in his film. In fact, I think Ang Lee just wanted to express the idea “长恨此身非我有,何时忘却营营?I always feel so pity that it seems the body is not mine. When can I forget all this ‘busy-for-fame and gain’ life? ” (You can also find it in “Crunching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” and “Brokeback Mountain”) In a word, I think the very think Ang Lee wanted to express was “loneliness”, neither lust, nor caution.

The sex scenes according to the descriptions by our forum members reminds me of a Japanese novel named “失乐园” (which has been shot in a film with the same name). In this book, both hero and heroin feel loneliness and hopelessness in each other’s life so deep, that each time their sex is depressing and desperate. You can also use “depressing” and “desperate” to describe the sex scenes in “Lust, Caution”, “loneliness” and “hopelessness” to 王佳芝 and 易先生. In short, the sex scenes are all used to serve for Ang Lee’s theme, i.e. “Loneliness and hopelessness (in life)人生的寂寞与绝望”, and that’s why they’re so important in the film. That's also why I think both "失乐园" (the film) and "Lust, Caution" are different from those commercial adult movies.

If we take sex as a bomb, loneliness and hopelessness must be its blasting fuse. Unluckily, in the film “Lust, Caution”, the plots use to describe 王 and 易’s loneliness are not so persuasive, and the plots to show how these two understand each other’s lonely and hopeless conditions are not enough. Without seeing the blasting fuse (王 and 易’s loneliness and hopelessness), how can spectators understand why the bomb (their sex) exploded so unexpectedly and strongly? (李安就是在这么细节上处理得不够好,不然的话这部片子的情节给人的感觉会更流畅,结局也更加赚人热泪。)


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I think the film is good enough, at least for me. :)

I want to get a bit off-the-topic - when I was at middle school (final year) and we studied Lu Xun's style, our teacher made a comment that many regarded Lu Xun as the greatest writer (or one of the greatest writers) in Modern China but it was always easier to make criticism than to really make things happen. I still remember it clearly after all these years. It was not really about the writer, or the literature. Our Chinese teacher taught us more than that.

Sorry for being so long-winded and irrelevant.

PS - I deleted the second part of this post because it was so irrelevant. But I was not fast enough as studentyoung had already seen it and posted comment on it. So I now put it back.

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I want to get a bit off-the-topic - when I was at middle school (final year) and we studied Lu Xun's style, our teacher made a comment that many regarded Lu Xun as the greatest writer (or one of the greatest writers) in Modern China but it was always easier to make criticism than to really make things happen. I still remember it clearly after all these years. It was not really about the writer, or the literature. Our Chinese teacher taught us more than that.

Hahahahahahahahahaha! :lol:Your teacher's word is right! You’re so lovely! I really like you and your teacher! (Take it easy, I’m not a lesbian.:wink:) I want to tell you another thing else might be long-winded and irrelevant too. According to some Premier Zhou Enlai’s staff’s memory, Zhou used to mention that he wanted to write a book to tell others his mistakes in his whole life to give some enlightenment to the next generation. Though he asked his staff to help him collect some materials, none of them dared to do so. It is so pity that this great book can't make its show to this world.


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  • 1 month later...
poor Tang Wei is now persona non-grata.

Hehe. In my opinion, Miss Tang must be even more heated after this. You know what is called “antagonistic psychology逆反心理”, right?:wink:

SARFT must be a fantastic place to work, you just wait for something to be popular, then jerk your knee and ban it.

No. Hehe. I think SARFT is helping Miss Tang get her name even more well-known. Hehe. Poor SARFT, it is doing something so dramatically opposite (南辕北辙).


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I still don't understand why she was banned, however Tony and his 肉球 weren't.

That’s because Tony Leung is an HKer. If Tony were banned, it could cause even more vehement discussions and uproars in not only mainland but also in Hong Kong. It is the last thing the central government wants to see.


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Perhaps because a woman having sex in a hotel room with a married man is more shocking than a married man having sex in a hotel room with a woman? Somewhere else I read that it also was because her character was 'unpatriotic'. Or perhaps it is because Tony Leung is more famous and established.

Poor Tang Wei. Sure she can go to Hong Kong or the US or wherever and make some more great movies, but it would have been better if she had the choice to stay right at home if she wanted to.

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The primary reason for the ban wasn’t the sex scenes, which were deleted, but because Tang Wei’s character falls in love with the Japanese collaborator. Of course, Ang Lee’s intention (as was Eileen Chang's) was not to glorifying a traitor, but to portray the complexity of life.

According to: Tang Wei blacklisted for "glorifying traitors":

the authorities in Beijing have since censured officials at SARFT for allowing the “film to be released, charging that they had passed a film that was a “glorification of traitors and insulting to patriots”. Several officials at SARFT are believed to have been fired or punished in the crackdown.

Also, poor Tang Wei loses an advertising promotion deal “reported to be worth six million yuan.” Had she know, she might have overcome her passion and discovered her inner patriotic duty to murder the Japanese collaborator (played by Tony Leung) with her bear legs. Perhaps that would have been better tolerated.


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But why ban her now if the movie has already been showing in Chinese theatres for several months now?

Allowing the movie to be shown and then banning the actress several months later seems fuzzy. Might as well ban the movie on opening day.

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That’s because Tony Leung is an HKer. If Tony were banned, it could cause even more vehement discussions and uproars in not only mainland but also in Hong Kong. It is the last thing the central government wants to see.
I still don't understand why she was banned, however Tony and his 肉球 weren't.

They could not ban Ang Lee either because banning the popular director would create a huge uproar in Taiwan, One of the last things the central government want to see are anti-China sentiments influencing the vote on March 22nd.

Lee is also an artistic advisor to the Olympics.

Tang Wei did not have leverage power unfortunately.

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