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1,500 words in 30 days


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I'm on a much less ambitious plan than this (there's no way I could keep up): I just started adding words with their readings and definitions/English glosses as appointments in Outlook, so throughout the workday I get reminders of the words I put in there. I have it set for every weekday, and I figure when it starts feeling like it's getting in there, I'll push it out to weekly. This is coupled with lots of listening and some reading. The hope is that it'll help me more easily pick out words when I hear them and know what they mean. Of course, presently I only have 4 or so, so the pace is pretty slow (and it probably wouldn't be a good idea to have the reminders and appointments popping up every 15 minutes, so there's a limit to how many I can put in there). I have no idea how well this will work, but it's an idea that's fairly easy to implement that doesn't require me putting much effort into setting time aside, which was appealing.

Also, my level isn't that high and the words I'm doing are more frequent ones. Just thought I'd add that.

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I'm pretty certain I don't have the time to find 50 new words each day. That sounds sad and like a poor excuse, but I'm actually really, really busy right.

In case you are interested, I have attached here about 800 words that I have looked up and added as Pleco flash cards in the last five years. They are mostly from magazine readings. The file is in UTF-8 encoding. Each line has the word, pinyin and definition, separated by a tab.

Hopefully I didn't keep any naughty words in there. ;)


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Yes, I thought we'd each take turns posting a list each day.

I figured since this seemed to be an advanced-level activity, and that we'd be dealing with low-frequency vocabulary, that most of the words each of us posted would be new words.

How bout we just post up word lists at our leisure and try to get to 1,500 on day 30 (memorized, posted up words will probably exceed this). That way people can pick from others lists and also compile their own if/when they feel like it. Though I think some of my words will fall into the 'advanced' category, I am certain that I will also have a lot of basics as well (trying to fill in the gaps). But yea, go ahead and post your list today. I will compile mine and get it up shortly after.

Hopefully at the very list this thread will just provide some interesting reading material with cool vocab lists.

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My first word list. Pulled from the article 简论1957年农村两条道路的大辩论。 Pretty dry stuff and I find the scholarship quite weak, but on the other hand not a whole lot of complex words and an okay,though completely non-critical, overview of collectivization and the great debate on the two paths (capatalism or socialism) and touches on the Anti-rightist campaign (without actually saying it) . short though, which means I actually read it, woohoo!

Not sure how to attach a list of flash cards but the are listed same as gato's.

Edit: Here is the link to the text http://www.csscipaper.com/chinahistory/xdszt/11263_2.html

List 1.docx

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Here's my first list. I've also included the text from which I took the words.










延安整风运动发端于1942年初,但是它的真正起步却在1942年以前的很长时间就已经开始。它最初表现为1935年遵义会议后至1937年间,毛泽东运用其在中共领导层中所获得的相对优势地位对中共政策及领导机构作出的局部调整,这种局部调整在1938年中共六届六中全会后迅速转变为毛泽东对中共政治路线、组织机构、精神气质等方面所进行的一系列重大改变。1938年秋在延安举行的中共六届六中全会对于毛泽东具有决定性的意义,这次会议,将毛泽东于1935年后在军权、党权方面的权力扩张予以合法化,使毛泽东在中共核心层中的地位得到极大的加强。从1938年未至1941年秋,是毛泽东操纵局势演变、并使其党内对手日益虚弱的权力再扩张的重要阶段。这个过程在 1941年 9月政治局扩大会议上达到高潮,以毛泽东当面向王明发起挑战,并获得全胜而告结束。



经过多年的斗争,毛泽东改变了他原先在中共领导层内孤立的处境,在延安整风运动中,毛泽东与刘少奇的政治结合得到进一步的巩固,在刘少奇的全力支持下,毛泽东使中共核心层完全接受了他的主张和他的至高无上的个人权威。造成历史上毛泽东一度「孤立」的原因,是他的有别于莫斯科正统理论之「异端」想法和他个人的专断性格,经过实践证明。毛泽东在军事战略方面的「异端」主张,大大有利于中共实力的扩展,这种结果,迫使中共党内的亲莫斯科派向毛泽东输诚,同时,也将中共高级军事将领重新聚集在自己的周围。毛泽东的专断性格最早暴露于1930—1931年由他亲自参与领导的「肃 AB团」大镇压,此事件曾造成江西红色根据地的严重危机和中共力量的削弱。1935年后,面对复杂多变的严峻形势,毛泽东暂时收敛了他的专断个性,但是随着毛泽东在中共党内控制力的不断加强。其专断个性在1941年后又再度复苏,而此时,中共高层已再无可能对毛泽东的专断行为予以有效的约束。




红太阳 20110325.txt

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Although I swore off cramming, I am curious about this challenge. How much time per day do you spend on each activity (such as reading, creating the word lists, drilling and reviewing...)

And, do you have other obligations (such as classes or work).

It does make sense to select a topic for this kind of endeavour, both for motivation (if it's a topic you are interested in) and being able to find more articles with overlapping vocabulary.


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Ok. I'm a day late posting and my word list is shorter than I had hoped, BUT if you are interested in vocabulary to help you read newspaper articles about earthquakes and tsunamis, Europe's debt crisis, and nuclear power, then the attached list might help! The vocabulary all comes from BBC Chinese. I'll post the article links next time.

Working on my list for today now!

FS 03262011.rtf

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Yeah, unfortunately the equivalent of notepad on Macs doesn't seem to like text files - and especially not utf8 ones.

For future reference in case you ever find yourself in a similar situation, probably the easiest way to open a text file like this on a Mac is to go to Safari and go File->Open then browse to the file and select it.

You may also need to manually set the encoding to utf8 to read the Chinese: View->Text Encoding->Utf8

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Yeah, unfortunately the equivalent of notepad on Macs doesn't seem to like text files - and especially not utf8 ones.

If you're referring to TextEdit.app then that's not exactly right - it deals with UTF-8 just fine. You may, however, have to select the correct encoding in the "open" dialog box.

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Ah, so it does. I guess I was referring to just double clicking on a utf8 txt file, in which case it throws up an error and fails to open. That coupled with the fact that it doesn't allow you to save in plaintext format (only RTF and a bunch of others) had led me to assume it didn't support plaintext.

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