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Traditional or Simplified Chinese? 简体还是繁體


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Hi there,


My name is William and I am a blogger who shared my knowledge in Mandarin Chinese with English speakers around the world.  I often encounter challenges where some readers prefer traditional Chinese and some prefer simplified Chinese.  This became a challenge for me as I wanted my readers to learn the traditional forms, so they understand how the Chinese words were created and evolved.  On the other hand, I wanted my readers to be able to recognize simplified characters when they travel to China.


I learned traditional Chinese when I was younger.  After I moved back to the United States, I self-taught the simplified Chinese in high school.  I found it easier to learn traditional forms first and learn simplified ones later.   That's why I shared both traditional and simplified, but focused on traditional more in my blog.


Regardless of the political standpoint, what are your reasons of choosing one form over another (simplified vs. traditional)?


Please be so kind to share your thoughts.  Thank you!



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