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Astounding results with Vocabulary,Context,Grouping,Revision


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In the past while reading passage there were lots of unknown words and it made me reading chinese impossible task.


Now I learnt few Anki decks and it is helping to recreate interest in reading. Comprehension is improved


Important things to follow are:

1. Learn new Vocabulary with Context

2. Systematic Revision

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On 3/29/2022 at 7:04 PM, phoneticsem said:

In the past while reading passage there were lots of unknown words and it made me reading chinese impossible task.


I adjusted my methods. Selected easier material. Then little by little tackled more difficult stuff. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even practicing english comprehension and learning accurate meaning of unknown words helps comprehend accurately.


Coming to Chinese Comprehension, I am doing comprehensions at this difficulty level or higher, that is my goal.


父亲在房前种了一棵枣树,又在屋后栽了另一棵枣树。两棵枣树同一 年开花结果,秋天到了,树上挂满红色的枣子。屋后的那棵枣树,因有了 围墙的保护,没有受到村里小孩的骚扰;房子前面的那棵枣树,却逃不过 悲惨的命运。

村里那些贪吃的小孩因为禁不住红枣的诱惑,又畏惧枣树上的尖刺, 使用竹竿猛力抽打枣树的枝条,打得枣子掉落满地。孩子们捡了枣子后, 留下遍地的枣叶, 情景甚是凄凉。过了不久,房前枣树上的枣子所剩无 几,整棵树奄奄一息,而后院的那棵枣树却结满了红枣。

第二年春天,房前那棵枣树竟然又长出了新芽!两棵枣树都开了花, 然后结了果。不但如此,房前那棵遭抽打的枣树,结的枣子比屋后未被抽 打的枣树多一倍。

我好奇地问父亲怎么会这样。“枣树就是有这种怪脾气。”父亲感慨 地说,“这就好像一个优秀的人,常常会招来忌妒,甚至遭受打击和压 制, 就像枣树遭受抽打一样。枣树被抽打之后,反而会结出更多又红又甜 的果子;优秀的人遭受打压之后,也会取得更大的成就。

其实,我们在人生道路上所遇到的各种困境,都是用来磨练自己的。只要我们像枣树一样,坦然而心甘情愿地接受每次的磨练,就可以让自己 变得越来越强大。


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From the above comprehension, I have collected 150 meanings(including sub components) and understood it. (after revision and adding some subcomponents i have 190 words now) Some words which I learnt earlier, I can recollect them fast. The new words I need to go through multiple times, else I can not recollect.


If you want practice and answer, here are the questions. Please check your comprehension, if you want to.


1. 村里的小孩为什么要用“抽打”的方式获取枣子?






2. 为什么一年后房前的枣树令“我”感到惊讶?






3. 父亲说枣树有“怪脾气”,指的是什么?






4. “我”通过枣树领悟到什么道理?





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I am repeating the above comprehension again and again until I am perfect. I will practice 5 Comprehensions like this until get command on them, then i might be able to start guessing the sentence meaning without knowing some words. But now understand each word 100%. 

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This is my Second Composition I learnt this year. It gave me around 170 plus new words (including sub components). Please go through and let me know, whether you can guess the meaning with context or you need to use Dictionary for some words?



于是,他被叫去校长办公室。他想:“校长这次一定不会轻易饶我的。管他呢,不管他骂什么,我都要顶回他。”没想到,校长却和颜悦色地叫他坐下。他顿时不知所措,心中疑惑不解。校长指着桌上的一个杯子,说:“这杯子里的水,形状像什么?”他感到意外,想了想,说:“像杯子。”校长点点头,问:“你再看看,面盆里的水,形状像什么?”他说:“像面盆。”校长再让他看看塑料桶里的水。他迷茫了,但乖乖地回答:“像塑料桶嘛。校长要他跟着走出办公室。两人走到校园外一个满是烂泥的池塘边。池塘水面上漂浮着各种垃圾,散发出恶臭。校长指着池塘里的水说:“这里也是水。你愿意做这里的水,还是杯子里干净的水?”此刻,孩子的眼神里第一次流露出自责。校长亲切地抚摸摸着他的头,指着远方说:“你很聪明,我希望你将來能成为流进大海的水。那你的人生就像大海,有大海般的丰富和博大。几十年过去了,他每次想起校长的话, 都会提醒自己:如果人生像水一样注定要流进一个容器,那就流进杯子,流进面盆,流进塑料桶。即使没有入海的寬阔和深沉,即使平庸,但至少活得简单,干净,透明。不管怎样,要流入烂泥塘。


1. 从哪里可以看出文中的孩子生性顽劣?

2. 孩子见到校长后,为什么心中感到困惑?

3. 从教育孩子的方式上可以看出校长有什么优点?试加以说明。

4. 校长对孩子的教导是否有效?为什么?

5. 你要成为“流进杯子里的水”,还是要成为“流进大海的水? 试加以说明

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Whatever you learnt we will forget , if we does not use or revise them at specific intervals. 


Last year had gone through 3 lessons with every meaning from those lessons. but could not remember them now. I am revising them now.


1.Systematic Revision is important 

2. Grouping of the words, which are confusing to you

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Please help go through the Composition 2 and try answering these 5 questions?



1. 从哪里可以看出文中的孩子生性顽劣?

2. 孩子见到校长后,为什么心中感到困惑?

3. 从教育孩子的方式上可以看出校长有什么优点?试加以说明。

4. 校长对孩子的教导是否有效?为什么?

5. 你要成为“流进杯子里的水”,还是要成为“流进大海的水? 试加以说明o

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I can confirm this works because this is exactly the method I've been using to expand my English vocabulary. It requires a bit of self-discipline, though. 


By the way, I am going to prepare my own topic-based word lists using Excel. Most topic-based vocabulary books don't suit me well because they contain too many basic and intermediate words. I also find it particularly useful to group synonyms and words that can be easily confused with one another. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/5/2022 at 11:17 AM, Kenny同志 said:

I also find it particularly useful to group synonyms and words that can be easily confused with one another. 

yes. Grouping the confused words is very useful technique. While reading you lookup the dictionary and feel you learnt it, but similar word comes you confuse it again.So in Anki I will write confused words and use front-to-back and back-to-front review, both. For e.g: , 刻, 孩 these have different meanings and combinations in chinese is another hurdle

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  • 3 weeks later...

This my third Composition, but somehow still have many unknown words. Still could not understand the meaning on my own, taking google translator help. Waiting for understanding the overview by just reading. 



当时,坐在我不远处的两名男子享用完一桌子食物后,双双离开位 子。火锅店的员工走过来,看到桌子空无一人,断定客人已离开。他快速 地收拾了锅与盘,也把桌子抹得干干净净。

实际上,那两名男子只是暂时离开,到食材区“扫货”。当他们捧着 两大盘食物,再度回到座位时,发现锅被收走,顿时愣住了。两人面面相 觑,虽然有些不快,却忍住了怒气。我从他们的眼中看出了无奈。两人商量后,决定把食物放回食材区。

不料,这一幕被邻桌一名大叔看到了。他以为这两个人为了避免被 “罚款”,而偷偷将吃不完的食物放回食材区。因此他有些愤愤不平,不 断向朋友抱怨那两个人不讲卫生。

看到大叔在那里讲个不停,我真想上前向大叔说明一切,但又担心别 人说我多管闲事。就在我犹豫不决的时候,大叔越讲越激动,甚至要向火 锅店职员投诉。我想:那两名男子明明吃了亏,却还被人误会不讲卫生, 岂不是饱受委屈?想到这里,我鼓起勇气上前解释。听了我的解释,大叔 终于明白事情的来龙去脉。他虽然显得尴尬,但总算消了气。

事后我再三思量,或许自己也做了一个错误的判断。当大叔开始向朋 友抱怨时,我选择置身事外,觉得只是两个人私下的批评,没想到却引发 了之后的误会。或许,我一开始就应该开口解释,即使被认为多事,也总 比尴尬收场要好。

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On 5/2/2022 at 7:07 AM, phoneticsem said:

This is my Second Composition I learnt this year. It gave me around 170 plus new words (including sub components). Please go through and let me know, whether you can guess the meaning with context or you need to use Dictionary for some words?


I didn't know the words 顽劣, 藤条, 和颜悦色 and 注定.  The first two I had no trouble working out on the fly.  The context made it clear that 和颜悦色 meant something like "not angry".  I kind of just skipped 注定.  I didn't need the dictionary.


Let's see if I can answer these...



1. 从哪里可以看出文中的孩子生性顽劣?





2. 孩子见到校长后,为什么心中感到困惑?





3. 从教育孩子的方式上可以看出校长有什么优点?试加以说明。





4. 校长对孩子的教导是否有效?为什么?





5. 你要成为“流进杯子里的水”,还是要成为“流进大海的水? 试加以说明o



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  • 1 month later...

Working on Composition 4: Are you able to understand this without a dictionary?


加那利群岛的高原上,土壤稀疏,岩石堆积,多年不下雨。 在这样恶劣的环境中,出现了一种独特的植物——龙血树。

龙血树高高的树干上,密密麻麻的树枝交织在一起,树枝的顶端,是密密麻麻的长叶。 枝叶渐渐向上蔓延,远远望去就像一把阳伞。

这里没有下雨,但早上有来自海洋的薄雾。 雾气在遇到龙血树的枝叶时会凝结成水滴。 水滴顺着树枝汇聚到树干,然后顺着树干流到根部,从而为龙血树提供了充足的水分。

太阳出来后,气温迅速上升。 龙血树本身就是一把阳伞,只遮住自己的根部,遮住阳光。 结果,土壤中宝贵的水分没有迅速蒸发,龙血树也茁壮成长。

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  • 2 weeks later...

Google helped to translate it as below.still not getting overall meaning of composition myself. Those who got just by reading, any points to share.


On the plateau of the Canary Islands, the soil is sparse, rocky, and it doesn't rain for many years.  In such a harsh environment, a unique plant, Dracaena, emerged.
 On the high trunk of the dragon blood tree, dense branches are intertwined, and the top of the branches is densely packed with long leaves.  The branches and leaves gradually spread upward, looking like a parasol from a distance.
 It's not raining here, but there is mist from the ocean in the morning.  The mist condenses into water droplets when it encounters the leaves of the dracaena.  The water droplets converge along the branches to the trunk, and then flow down the trunk to the roots, providing sufficient water for the dracaena.
 After the sun came out, the temperature rose rapidly.  The dragon's blood tree itself is a parasol, only covering its roots and blocking the sun.  As a result, the precious moisture in the soil did not evaporate as quickly and the dracaena thrived.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Composition 3, I noted all the vocabulary, with Context and revised 5 or 6 times and learnt. Then I took a break of one month no anki decks and not read any chinese. read it again, 50% only, I can read, remaining i forgot. then revised them again. will revise few more times and revise after 2 more months. 

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Goal: Understand Compositions from this year Examination Papers. (Without the aid of dictionary, but must be checking the words which i do not know)


@Jan Finster the above is my 2022 goal. easier text is not the option. with easier text  if we  are learning 10 new words, we just adjust our tougher content (by reducing few lines compared to easier text) accordingly.


as chinese is a pictorial language try to create a unique mnemonic and remember. few months back i did 110 words anki deck and later could not remember more than 3 to 5 words after a gap. this time from context atleast can remember 50% mostly because of context i think.pride is not the issue, else no need to post 50% only i can remember.


following the revision of the vocabulary after a day, 3 days, week, month, 3 months,6 months and a year. hoping this will help

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