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Selon les rumeurs 道路传闻 8) dao4 lu4 chuan2 wen2 , la rubrique idiomes a été déplacée ici

道路传闻isnt an idiom, there had another saying to say this 道听途说 dao4 ting1 tu2 shuo1, its a fascinating idiom, if you said that to a native speaker, they will be impressed of your wonderful mandarin!

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丁中江-->北洋军阀史话-->一○八 ...

... 29日)说: “近阅迭次通电,热诚所激,间有过情,道路

传闻,并有约期集议之举。嗣后国家大计,诸公有所献替 ...

www.mh2003.com/mhss/mhss/lsxs/byjf/110.htm - 20k - Cached - Similar pages


... 信中写道: “分手十年,国难日亟。报载两先生有联俄


君 ...

www.shuku.net:8080/novels/zhuanji/ chensjzqz/chensjzqz11-02.html - 10k - Cached - Similar pages


... 抱有“黄鹤楼上看翻船”的阴暗心理。“从来身居局外者既

非身习其事,又未目击其难,往往以道路传闻之语悬揣苛求 ...

www.yunnan.cn/mzd/mzd/study13.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages


... 提出对国是的担忧。他批评政府“对于民众运动,往往有所

歧视,道路传闻,尚有假借取缔与指导名义,摧残合法组织 ...

www.pep.com.cn/200212/ca5240.htm - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

时代书城- -民国演义

... 虽有德意,无救倒悬。推原其故,在乎政务久不振。政务久


见 ...

www.mypcera.com/book/li/mg/081.htm - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

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丁中江-->北洋军阀史话-->一○八 ...

... 29日)说: “近阅迭次通电,热诚所激,间有过情,道路

传闻,并有约期集议之举。嗣后国家大计,诸公有所献替 ...

www.mh2003.com/mhss/mhss/lsxs/byjf/110.htm - 20k - Cached - Similar pages


... 信中写道: “分手十年,国难日亟。报载两先生有联俄


君 ...

www.shuku.net:8080/novels/zhuanji/ chensjzqz/chensjzqz11-02.html - 10k - Cached - Similar pages


... 抱有“黄鹤楼上看翻船”的阴暗心理。“从来身居局外者既

非身习其事,又未目击其难,往往以道路传闻之语悬揣苛求 ...

www.yunnan.cn/mzd/mzd/study13.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages


... 提出对国是的担忧。他批评政府“对于民众运动,往往有所

歧视,道路传闻,尚有假借取缔与指导名义,摧残合法组织 ...

www.pep.com.cn/200212/ca5240.htm - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

时代书城- -民国演义

... 虽有德意,无救倒悬。推原其故,在乎政务久不振。政务久


见 ...

www.mypcera.com/book/li/mg/081.htm - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

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sure, looking up the google, there are always something waiting for you, but it does'nt mean it's good language, or it's an idiom, or at least it's common usage in today's mandarin speaking society. if you wanna check if it's idiom, u can always look up a dict. called 汉语成语词典

the 道路传闻 sounds an immature saying between 文言文and 白话文

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丁中江-->北洋军阀史话-->一○八 ...

... 29日)说: “近阅迭次通电,热诚所激,间有过情,道路

传闻,并有约期集议之举。嗣后国家大计,诸公有所献替 ...

www.mh2003.com/mhss/mhss/lsxs/byjf/110.htm - 20k - Cached - Similar pages


... 信中写道: “分手十年,国难日亟。报载两先生有联俄


君 ...

www.shuku.net:8080/novels/zhuanji/ chensjzqz/chensjzqz11-02.html - 10k - Cached - Similar pages


... 抱有“黄鹤楼上看翻船”的阴暗心理。“从来身居局外者既

非身习其事,又未目击其难,往往以道路传闻之语悬揣苛求 ...

www.yunnan.cn/mzd/mzd/study13.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages


... 提出对国是的担忧。他批评政府“对于民众运动,往往有所

歧视,道路传闻,尚有假借取缔与指导名义,摧残合法组织 ...

www.pep.com.cn/200212/ca5240.htm - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

时代书城- -民国演义

... 虽有德意,无救倒悬。推原其故,在乎政务久不振。政务久


见 ...

www.mypcera.com/book/li/mg/081.htm - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

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sure' date=' looking up the google, there are always something waiting for you, but it does'nt mean it's good language, or it's an idiom, or at least it's common usage in today's mandarin speaking society. if you wanna check if it's idiom, u can always look up a dict. called 汉语成语词典

the 道路传闻 sounds an immature saying between 文言文and 白话文[/quote']

I did not want to go on with the debate because it's not the topic, but as 一不做二不休 yi4 bu2 zuo4 er4 bu4 xiu1, I am compelled to reply.

The fact that an idiom is not in 汉语成语词典 does not mean it's not an idiom at all. A word or expression can exist and not be included in dictionary A, but in dictionary B. It can be in a dictionary in one year, and not in another.

If I use Google, it is just the most convenient way to show something, as anyone can check for himself on the Net. Not everyboby has the right books at hand, because you cannot say : if it's not here, it's nothing.

An idiom can have many versions, and vary slightly from region to region, be used in different kinds of litterature: romance, wuxia, science fiction, etc...

Is 道路传闻 an "immature" expression ? You can send your comments to all those who have used it (references given by Google) and see how they will answer.


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I did not want to go on with the debate because it's not the topic' date=' but as 一不做二不休 yi4 bu2 zuo4 er4 bu4 xiu1, I am compelled to reply.

The fact that an idiom is not in 汉语成语词典 does not mean it's not an idiom at all. A word or expression can exist and not be included in dictionary A, but in dictionary B. It can be in a dictionary in one year, and not in another.

If I use Google, it is just the most convenient way to show something, as anyone can check for himself on the Net. Not everyboby has the right books at hand, because you cannot say : if it's not here, it's nothing.

An idiom can have many versions, and vary slightly from region to region, be used in different kinds of litterature: romance, wuxia, science fiction, etc...

Is 道路传闻 an "immature" expression ? You can send your comments to all those who have used it (references given by Google) and see how they will answer.


lol, you are really something! :) u mean all expressions are idioms? sure one saying may exist or be used by someone, but u couldnt count it all in idioms, isn't it? if you asked any native speakers about it, 9.5 of 10 would say that it isnt an idiom, just try it! also, i'm afraid you couldnt find it as an idiom in any dicts.

sure u can use google, i dont meant that using google was wrong, i use it everyday, but u cant count on google to prove some saying is idiom or stuff, as you see, there are lots of grammatical mistakes in english writing online, did i use it to prove my grammar mistakes were correct?

sure an idiom may have different versions, but i would say if this one was idiom, it's certainly not the common one or the best one to express its meaning.

as you see, the writting u've mentioned its authers were basically living since 1900s to 1950s, in so called "republic of china", totally old fashion already! 你又何必“抱残守缺”bao4 can2 shou3 que1 呢?


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lol' date=' you are really something! :) u mean all expressions are idioms? sure one saying may exist or be used by someone, but u couldnt count it all in idioms, isn't it? if you asked any native speakers about it, 9.5 of 10 would say that it isnt an idiom, just try it! also, i'm afraid you couldnt find it as an idiom in any dicts.

sure u can use google, i dont meant that using google was wrong, i use it everyday, but u cant count on google to prove some saying is idiom or stuff, as you see, there are lots of grammatical mistakes in english writing online, did i use it to prove my grammar mistakes were correct?

sure an idiom may have different versions, but i would say if this one was idiom, it's certainly not the common one or the best one to express its meaning.

as you see, the writting u've mentioned its authers were basically living since 1900s to 1950s, in so called "republic of china", totally old fashion already! 你又何必“抱残守缺”bao4 can2 shou3 que1 呢?


Well, after "immature", now "too old" ! :mrgreen:

I've just pasted a few examples just to give a hint. (快人一言 kuai4 ren2 yi4 yan2)

The fact is it is quoted, as here:


(from mainland China...)

, or used in wuxia films or books (quite popular now in Mainland China too, with all the remakes of oldies), etc...

... Well, with all this debate, the whole world now know what 道路传闻 is.



未知胜负如何,且听下文分解。 :mrgreen:

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lol' date=' you are really something! :) u mean all expressions are idioms? sure one saying may exist or be used by someone, but u couldnt count it all in idioms, isn't it? if you asked any native speakers about it, 9.5 of 10 would say that it isnt an idiom, just try it! also, i'm afraid you couldnt find it as an idiom in any dicts.

sure u can use google, i dont meant that using google was wrong, i use it everyday, but u cant count on google to prove some saying is idiom or stuff, as you see, there are lots of grammatical mistakes in english writing online, did i use it to prove my grammar mistakes were correct?

sure an idiom may have different versions, but i would say if this one was idiom, it's certainly not the common one or the best one to express its meaning.

as you see, the writting u've mentioned its authers were basically living since 1900s to 1950s, in so called "republic of china", totally old fashion already! 你又何必“抱残守缺”bao4 can2 shou3 que1 呢?


Well, after "immature", now "too old" ! :mrgreen:

I've just pasted a few examples just to give a hint. (快人一言 kuai4 ren2 yi4 yan2)

The fact is it is quoted, as here:


(from mainland China...)

, or used in wuxia films or books (quite popular now in Mainland China too, with all the remakes of oldies), etc...

... Well, with all this debate, the whole world now know what 道路传闻 is.



未知胜负如何,且听下文分解。 :mrgreen:

:mrgreen: okay, let's 握手言和(wo4 shou3 yan2 he2) 吧!BTW, it's a pity that the link you pasted i can not open, are u sure it's a right link?

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:mrgreen: okay' date=' let's 握手言和(wo4 shou3 yan2 he2) 吧!BTW, it's a pity that the link you pasted i can not open, are u sure it's a right link?[/quote']

The link was effective when I pasted it (perhaps the server is down for maintenace).

You can try this:


from the 花山(论剑 or 论语 :mrgreen: as you like) site.

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:mrgreen: okay' date=' let's 握手言和(wo4 shou3 yan2 he2) 吧!BTW, it's a pity that the link you pasted i can not open, are u sure it's a right link?[/quote']

The link was effective when I pasted it (perhaps the server is down for maintenace).

You can try this:


from the 花山(论剑 or 论语 :mrgreen: as you like) site.

got it!

BTW, notice the date 中华民国叁十四年十月叁十日= oct. 30, 1945, haha, just kidding

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Ich bin der Berliner.


Ich bin ein chinesischer Student an der TU-Berlin.

Mein Ingenieurstudiengang ist Informations- und Kommunikationssystemswirtschaftsingenieurwesen.

Magst du auch Kommunikationssystemswirtschaftsingenieurwesen ?


I am a chinese Student in Berlin.

Chinese: mother Language ( I am boren in China)

Englich: good to read and listen, because I Like to see Tv-Serie: Sex and City, Friends, X-Files, Ally Mcbeal, Buffel

German: very good to read and spreak.Because i must live in Berlin. :o))

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Hallo Berliner' date='

wow! dann bist Du ja ein echter Informations- und Kommunikationssystemswirtschaftsingenieurwesensauslandsstudent :mrgreen:[/quote']

let me try to understand it

und Kommunikations systems wirts chaft sing enieur we sensauslands student

and comuunication systems .....we ....student?

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