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Modern History of the Three East-Asian Countries 東亞三國的近現代史


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I bought this book (Chinese version) today after reading this review and am reading it. It looks like a textbook for middle-school students and should be quite easy to read. I suppose it would be (relatively) unbiased.

The ISBN is 7801906462 and the price is RMB 29.

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So far it is interesting. I have only read a few pages as I have spent some time studying the photograph of this treaty (I think anybody who can read traditional Chinese can understand at least half of it) ->



第一條 韓國皇帝陛下ハ韓國全部ニ關スル一切ノ統治權ヲ完全且永久ニ日本國皇帝陛下ニ讓與ス

第二條 日本國皇帝陛下ハ前條ニ掲ケタル讓與ヲ受諾シ且全然韓國ヲ日本帝國ニ併合スルコトヲ承諾ス

第三條 日本國皇帝陛下ハ韓國皇帝陛下太皇帝陛下皇太子殿下並其ノ后妃及後裔ヲシテ各其ノ地位ニ應シ相當ナル尊稱威嚴及名譽ヲ享有セシメ且之ヲ保持スルニ十分ナル歳費ヲ供給スヘキコトヲ約ス

第四條 日本國皇帝陛下ハ前條以外ノ韓國皇族及其ノ後裔ニ對シ各相當ノ名譽及待遇ヲ享有セシメ且之ヲ維持スルニ必要ナル資金ヲ供與スルコトヲ約ス

第五條 日本國皇帝陛下ハ勲功アル韓人ニシテ特ニ表彰ヲ爲スヲ適當ナリト認メタル者ニ對シ榮爵ヲ授ケ且恩金ヲ與フヘシ

第六條 日本國政府ハ前記併合ノ結果トシテ全然韓國ノ施政ヲ擔任シ同地ニ施行スル法規ヲ遵守スル韓人ノ身體及財産ニ對シ十分ナル保護ヲ與へ且其ノ福利ノ増進ヲ圖ルヘシ

第七條 日本國政府ハ誠意忠實ニ新制度ヲ尊重スル韓人ニシテ相當ノ資格アル者ヲ事情ノ許ス限リ韓國ニ於ケル帝國官吏ニ登用スヘシ

第八條 本條約ハ日本國皇帝陛下及韓國皇帝陛下ノ裁可ヲ經タルモノニシテ公布ノ日ヨリ之ヲ施行ス



統監 子爵 寺内正毅 印 


内閣總理大臣 李完用 印

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The cover skylee shows is for the first edition. When I was in the bookstore the other day, I noticed that there's a second edition out with a corrected cover, so Japan no longer appears to own Sakhalin. There's also a new timeline of important events in the endpages. I didn't look at the rest of it too carefully to notice whether other changes had been made.

I wrote up this rather rough review after I bought the book.

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The cover skylee shows is for the first edition. When I was in the bookstore the other day, I noticed that there's a second edition out with a corrected cover, so Japan no longer appears to own Sakhalin.

Oh you mean the islands north of Hokkaido. The big one and two small ones are not on the cover of my book, which says that it is 第3版第1刷. I guess it means that it is the 3rd edition.

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Very good review zhwj.

For all the celebration of finding a "common ground", or arriving at a "unified recognition" of historical events, there seems to be an assumption that a presentation of history is valid only when it is written by the victims, or at the very least by the participants in that history.

That sounds like the danger of writing anything by committee.

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