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    • learningculture
      After several months of revisions and practice, I finally finished my guitar arrangement for a popular Chinese song called Shanghai Beach 上海灘!  I thought I'd share incase anyone else knows the song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqohPPwh8Oo    
    • aeitodd
      那一個最合適? I want to express neutral realisation - for example if I try to book a ticket to the movies but the staff say tickets are sold out, and I want to respond ‘oh okay I understand’
    • learningculture
        Hey Everyone I made a guitar version of 鐵血丹心 in January of last year.  But It's very hard for me to play and I miss a few details.  But I figure I share my progress so far! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTkbybaoEzY To me, I feel like I'm improving! This is still my favourite all time song to play on guitar.
    • vellocet
      I have read plenty of the Mao era as described by foreigners, including Jiang Qing's biography that she sat down with a foreigner during her exile  and spelled out, a remarkable book. However, I want to know what Chinese teach about the Mao era. But this is locked away in Chinese books I will never have the level or the time to read, I translated enough baffling government jargon in the pre-Google Translate era to know I never want to wrestle with that highly specific  vocabulary again. What I would really love to do is sit down with a Chinese  high school level textbook that explains what went on during Mao, and why.  I've tried reading entire books by taking photos with Baidu Translate (notably the Drivers' Handbook) and it sucks. I'd prefer something in English, preferably not written by a foreigner.  I  am inspired by a similar book from Michael Malice, "Dear Reader".  He traveled to North Korea with an empty suitcase and while there, he picked up every piece of propaganda he could find.  After his return, he sat down, read it all, and wrote a book explaining the story of DPRK as told by the DPRK. Does such a similar book exist in English?   I suppose you could say the entire 20th century but I don't want to go too far back. Chinese history is simply too large. 
    • PPA
      It's a Chinese television series film. The storyline is one day, The head of the martial world got injured and died. His disciples don't want to declare this information to the martial world because they don't want to cause chaos in the martial world. Therefore, they find the man with the same face as the head of the martial world and pretend the head of the martial world is still alive. Actually, this man does not fight kung fu; he is a chef, and he only can cook. But one day, he can fight with his chef's knife. That movie was made before 2004.
    • becky82
      There are things I want ChatGPT (or any other AI) to be able to do, but it can't or it's weak at.  However, ChatGPT is rapidly evolving.  For example, ChatGPT used to be bad at "please give me 5 example sentences where [word] is used as a verb, and 5 where it is used as a noun", but now it's quite good at this task.   So I want to create a kind of "ChatGPT time capsule", wherein we take snapshots of ChatGPT performing poorly, and come back in a year or so (so let's say July 2025) and see if it's changed.   In my experience:   ChatGPT has been awful at pinyin in the past, but it's much better now.  So I performed an ad-hoc evaluation just now, and I was unable to get GPT-4o to make a single pinyin mistake.  Once I ran out of GPT-4o quota, it switched to GPT-3.5 (I think), after which I encountered two errors, where a space was added in "Miàn duì" (面对), and ChatGPT wrote "因噎废食 - yīnyèfèishí", where the correct pinyin is yīnyēfèishí.  These issues are rather minor. ChatGPT currently bad at separable verbs.  In my evaluation (GPT-3.5), I asked it to give me examples of 10 separable verbs, of which 0 were actually separable verbs.  I had to give it examples of separable verbs before it knew what I was talking about.  However, it managed to construct sentences using those separable verbs where the characters were non-consecutive.   I wish ChatGPT could give me book recommendations from photos of shelves at my local library, like this:     (ChatGPT currently does not support sharing conversations with images, so I copy/pasted GPT-4o's response to Pastebin.  I didn't realize how blurry my photos were [that part of the library is dark].)   The books it recommended are 《幸福在这里》, 《我会画画啦》, 《白色橡树》,  《希望的田野》, 《今天不说话》.  I found the first book in one of the photos (but it was too tedious to find the other four).  I asked ChatGPT to Google those books and describe the plot and reviews, but I don't think it succeeded; it gave me links to random unrelated books, and I think it just made up the plots based on their respective titles.  I asked ChatGPT to edit the photos and highlight the five books, and it drew five red squares in random places in the photos (with no obvious relation to those books).  I asked for quotes from the first one 《幸福在这里》, but it gave me quotes from another random book.   The other thing I think would be really useful if ChatGPT could do, is asking "in which textbook, on which page, can I find [blah]?"  Or even better would be to give it a photo of my textbooks, and have it point out which textbook, and on which page, a certain item is.  I checked if ChatGPT could do this here:   Quote Where can I find the grammar pattern 愈……愈…… in the HSK Standard Course textbooks?   but it told me the wrong textbook.  When I explained that it's in the HSK6 Standard Course textbook 下册, it told me it's on page 29.  I checked, and it's not on page 26.  It's actually on page 147.   Okay, what about everyone else: what do you want ChatGPT (or any other AI) to be able to do to help with learning Chinese (that it plausibly could do in the near future), but it can't yet do?
    • trasder
      Hi,   Can you explain to me the difference between 下课  vs 上完课 ? Is there any? (maybe like finishing a lesson vs finishing the school day?)  
    • Mick Putley
      Hi I am looking for written Chinese for the names JAKE and JACOB. I had thought 杰克 but I heard that might be closer to JACK   Many thanks for your help.   Mick
    • Alishba Malik
      Hi, I got my JW201 form and it has the wrong name of degree... I applied for Masters in Customs Administration and it says Masters in Customs Management. Can it be changed? How can it be changed? Please help I'm super stressed out 
    • hannahclark
      hi please can anyone translate the quote fortune favours the bold for my boyfriends tattoo , many thanks hope you all have a great day
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