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Sounds like an intelligent solution! It seems inadequate to just say "thank you for your many years of leadership and service," but I will start with that anyhow. If I feel wordy later, I'll return and do a Ninja edit, adding some lines about how helpful you and Imron were to me personally during the early days of my Chinese journey. I will be forever grateful for your inspiration and guidance. Look forward to getting the benefit of Mike's skills and knowledge in coming months. 

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Great news, thanks for everything Roddy, particularly the fun times with Waste Tide during Covid, getting angry at that book with you really kept me going! The fact that you've got Mike set up to take the reins is testament to your class as an admin for this forum.  

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Thanks Roddy for all your stewardship over the years, and it sounds like the forum is in a great place with Mike. 


I have been part of several forums over the years that die because someone who doesn't have the same bandwidth they once did would rather let their forum die than pass it over to those who care about it. Happy to see this place won't be sharing the same fate as those places. 

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On 11/13/2023 at 10:16 AM, Moshen said:

and just to let you know that I don't have a clue what you mean by the above.

Yeah, that was a little addled-sounding - basically I think it could be interesting to host Chinese-related files here that third party apps might tap into, like flashcard lists; no reason to have a word list for such and such textbook only available on a 10 year old website somewhere.

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On 11/13/2023 at 9:26 PM, mikelove said:

I might put a small “sponsored by Pleco” link somewhere, but that’s about all I’m considering. If you want to start a thread an out how Pleco sucks and such-and-such other app is far superior, feel free.


I just want to say I'm comfortable with a Pleco ad.  It's a high-quality app, I (for one) use it basically daily, and is not constantly badgering me for money.  I heavily utilize its Chinese-Chinese dictionaries.

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Thanks, all. I was quietly confident the move would be welcomed and I'm glad to see I was right, and it's also great to see some old names still here.


On 11/14/2023 at 5:51 AM, Jim said:

I can't believe you've sold out to Big Lexicography

Can't fight the dictionary-industrial complex, Jim.

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On 11/13/2023 at 5:05 PM, mikelove said:

no reason to have a word list for such and such textbook only available on a 10 year old website somewhere.

Absolutely. You need a twenty-year-old website for that kind of thing. ?


Glad to have you aboard Mike!


On 11/13/2023 at 2:26 PM, mikelove said:

a sense of concern about the recent degradation of centralized social media (Reddit, Twitter, StackExchange), and a desire to make sure that there remains a place to discuss China-related stuff that’s totally independent of all of that.

Btw I strongly agree with this.

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On 11/13/2023 at 2:26 PM, mikelove said:

I do want to emphasize that I’m *not* looking to Pleco-infuse anything here; I might put a small “sponsored by Pleco” link somewhere, but that’s about all I’m considering. If you want to start a thread an out how Pleco sucks and such-and-such other app is far superior, feel free.


Yes, if this is the case, I really welcome the move. I would be worried if Mike would merge the Pleco forum with Chinese-forums though...



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On 11/14/2023 at 8:51 PM, Jan Finster said:

I would be worried if Mike would merge the Pleco forum with Chinese-forums though...

Oh certainly not - frankly, that separation benefits Pleco at least as much as it benefits Chinese-forums, given how much business we do with Chinese publishers whose good side we would like to remain on.

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On 11/14/2023 at 11:08 PM, roddy said:

I was quietly confident the move would be welcomed and I'm glad to see I was right

You've definitely "done your time" and built an amazing and valuable place, and I'm not sure I could think of a better person to leave the site to.

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On 11/15/2023 at 2:09 AM, Jan Finster said:

What about Imron BTW, I have not "seen" him around here in a long time... (?)

He still passes through, but I think like me he's not quite got the time for the site he used to. 

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