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First Episode 64: 重案六组


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A part of the Grand First Episode Project -- See this thread for more info.

A modern police show. Regular coppers, not super agents. It was popular enough to warrant several seasons.

Language Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Watch: youku - ku6 - tudou HD

Download: Emule RMVB - Emule RM

季洁 The female detective

江汉 The detective assisting her on her case

曾克强 The bald senior detective

老郑 The boss of their group

老俨 The boss of the boss

胡刚 An old friend of 曾克强, working in a different department

黄涛 The new recruit

白羚 The new recruit

谷莉 Wife of 胡刚

胡亮 Their son

季然 The younger sister of 季洁

陆建华 The lover of 季洁

杨平 Prime suspect in the car gang case

薛雅兰 His lover

--- Summary ---

Agent 曾克强 receives a phonecall, 胡刚 is in 龙堂洗浴中心 (a cover for a brothel of some kind), 胡刚 gets hurt and lands in the hospital, his son 胡亮 saw everything, but is unhurt. Another agent, 季洁, is overlooking two suspects in a carjacking case, 杨平 and 薛雅兰. 陆建华 calls her, about seeing her sister 季然, who is a ballet dancer who has just landed a big performance (I think). She goes to visit her, but has to leave to pick up two fresh graduates (黄涛 & 白羚), then runs into 陆建华, then goes to the office, where she has to set up things for the new officers.

谷莉 arrives at the hospital, 胡亮 had a shot, is sleeping, she's upset, nobody knows the exact circumstances. Later, 曾克强 and boss 郑 have a briefing with boss 俨 and think about next steps after 胡刚 wakes up.

季洁 takes the two new officers with her on a job, they will follow 薛雅兰, who is the assistant manager of a restaurant and a suspect in a car-stealing case. On the way there, they run into 季洁's car and decide to follow him. 季洁 drives in front, and the two of them should follow, but they blow it and are discovered. 季洁 is angry, she obviously doesn't have much patience with n00bs. She covers for them in front of the boss, and they are thankful, so she takes them along to watch the suspects with here and 江汉.

Next day, they receive news from Hebei that 杨平 is the head of the gang. Nobody knows where he is, so they decide to use 薛雅兰 to bait him. 季洁 will go to the restaurant where she works. At the same time, boss 俨 tells boss 郑 that he's taking 曾克强 off the case involving 胡刚, because they have a very long history together and people might suspect that the investigation is not proper/that 曾克强 is also involved. 曾克强 is not happy about it.

The two new recruits will overlook the restaurant from the coffe house across the street, and 季洁 buys flowers for her sister in the meantime. She wanted 陆建华 to give them to her sister, but he can't make it. She then waits at the rear entrance of the restaurant. 杨平 arrives, and they arrest him. He refuses to confess, so they are waiting for evidence from Hebei. 季洁 is considering switching to a desk job so she can dedicate more time to 陆建华, but she finds him in bed with her younger sister, so she reconsiders that.

--- Summary end ---

龙堂洗浴中心 the name of the dodgy bathhouse at the beginning

躲开 duǒ kāi * to stay out of / get out of the way

犹豫 yóu yù * to hesitate

演出 yǎn chū * to act (in a play) / to perform / to put on (a performance)

剧院 jù yuàn * theater

任性 rèn xìng * willful / headstrong / uninhibited

协调 xié tiáo * to coordinate / to harmonize / negotiation

大礼拜 dà lǐ bài * long weekend

照实 zhàoshí * according to the facts

执行 zhí xíng * implement / carry out / to execute

急诊室 jí zhěn shì * emergency room

打针 dǎ zhēn * to give or have an injection

探长 tànzhǎng * (senior) detective

侦察 zhēn chá * to investigate a crime / detection / a scout

反侦察 fǎn zhēn chá * counter reconnaissance

副理 fù lǐ * assistant manager

调查 diào chá * investigation / inquiry / to investigate

案子 àn zi * long table / counter / case

盗车 dào chē * to steal cars

集团 jí tuán * group / bloc / corporation

嫌疑 xián yí * suspicion / (be) suspected (of)

姘头 pīn tou * lover (derogatory)

稳定 wěn dìng * steady / stable / stability

情绪 qíng xù * feeling / sentiment

汇合 huì hé * confluence / to converge / to join

宁丢勿醒 better to lose (a suspect) than to alert them

耽误 dān wu * delay / hold-up / to waste time

狡辩 jiǎo biàn * to quibble

大意 dà yì * general idea / main idea / careless

行政处 administrative division

宵夜 xiāo yè * midnight snack / late-night snack

玻璃 bō li * glass / nylon / plastic

激烈 jī liè * intense / acute / fierce

麻药 má yào * anesthetic

分桌子 to assign a desk (to new people in the office)

证据 zhèng jù * evidence / proof / testimony

判断 pàn duàn * to decide / to determine

顾虑 gù lǜ * misgivings / apprehensions

避嫌 bì xián * avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion / avoid arousing suspicion

铁哥们 tiěgēmen * very close friends

祖宗 zǔ zōng * ancestor / forebear

想方设法 xiǎng fāng shè fǎ * to think up every possible method (成语 saw); to devise ways and means / to try this, that and the other

自在 zì zai * free / unrestrained / comfortable

磨合 mó hé * to break in / to wear in

内勤 nèi qín * office work / desk job

Overall, this was OK. It's not the best show we've had (the music, for example, is terrible and completely out of place), but it has some things going for it. The story keeps moving at a good pace, there are many characters which promises more interesting developments in later episodes, and at least one of the cases got solved in this episode, so it will probably keep moving fast in the future episodes too.

Also, there are several storylines going on -- the friendship between 曾克强 and 胡刚, the love troubles of 季洁, and the growing pains of the two new wannabe detectives fresh out of the academy. The language is relatively easy, but the subtitles are a bit blurry.

I'm following a couple of better shows at the moment, but this is one of those I might come back to, as it seems like it is relatively easy to follow and doesn't bore you to death.



Edited by renzhe
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It has some of the same characters:



But then quite a few new, likeable characters are introduced! (丁箭, 田蕊, etc)

For a long time I had the first series and I was like noooo, this one looks lame, so I watched the 2nd series first (technically haven't finished the first season yet either). There isn't too much of a disconnect b/c the two series AND the 2nd series has even less story lines that spill over from one episode to another so you don't even have to watch everything in order (sometimes it helps though). If anything you will just miss some of the background details on 季洁 if you don't watch the 1st one, but since the show is mainly about the crimes they solve rather than the history of the characters it doesn't really make a huge difference. FYI your pictures in your first post are from the different series. The left one is from 'I', and the right one is from 'II'.

However, the third one is out now is out so I reallllly wanna watch this one!:mrgreen:

Edited by heifeng
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