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Separable verbs (also for idiom lovers!)


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Here's an anki deck with 541 separable verbs (and adjectives) (离合词)

It's from a great resource, a 离合词 dictionary (published in Japanese), with a lot of detailed explanations as to their usage and grammar, as not all separable verbs are created equal (we can discuss this in this thread, but the different subtypes and grammatical categories are fascinating). The 541 are a subset of 2,400 separable verbs found in the 现代汉语词典. This is also quite useful for idiom lovers (you know who you are :mrgreen: ) as a lot of them are highly idiomatic and frequently used. I think these are all verbs useful to know!

The anki deck includes pinyin, English translation (both been checked) and simplified and traditional. For those who use a different program, all 541 words below:

碍事 安家 安心 熬夜 拔河 拔尖儿 把关 罢工 罢官 摆阔 拜年 搬家 帮忙 报警 报名 报幕 报数 报信 报账 备课 备料 闭幕 毕业 变心 变质 表态 并肩 拨款 播音 播种 补考 补课 补票 参军 操心 插手 插秧 插嘴 拆散 掺假/搀假 唱戏 超过 吵架 撤职 称心 称职 成材 成家 成名 乘凉 吃醋 吃饭 吃惊 吃苦 吃亏 抽空 出差 出厂 出场 出丑 出口 出门儿 出名 出气 出神 出师 出事 出血 出院 除根(儿) 除名 传话 传令 喘气 串门儿 闯祸 吹风 吹牛 辞行 辞职 凑数 存货 存款 存心 错车 搭伴儿 搭手 搭茬儿 达到 打靶 打败 打春 打赌 打盹儿 打架 打猎 打通 打仗 打针 打字 带路 带头儿 担心 当家 倒车 倒霉 捣鬼 捣乱 得意 点名 点头 掉队 掉色 跌跤 顶事 顶用 定案 定亲 定性 订婚(定婚) 丢脸 丢人 懂事 动工 动身 动手 读书 赌气 赌钱 对号 多事 多心 多嘴 发财 发愁 发呆 发狠 发慌 发火儿 发烧 发誓 发言 翻案 翻脸 放假 放心 费事 费心 分工 负责 改行 干杯 搞鬼 革命 隔音 鼓掌 挂号 拐弯 管用 过关 过火 过节 过年 害怕 合影 狠心 滑冰 化妆 怀孕 还价 还债 换班 换个儿 灰心 回话 回信 回嘴 汇款 会餐 会客 集邮 记功 记过 记录 加班 加油 兼职 剪彩 见面 讲话 讲课 讲学 交班 交差 交卷儿 叫好儿 叫苦 叫门 接班儿 揭底 揭短 结伴 结仇 结婚 结业 结帐 解饿 解乏 解恨 解闷 解聘 解气 解手 解围 借债 尽力 经手 揪心 就伴儿 就业 救火 救急 救命 鞠躬 捐款 绝食 开饭 开工 开锅 开花 开会 开课 开门 开头儿 开学 开眼 开业 开张 看病 看见 口服 夸口 旷课 亏本 拉平 来信 劳驾 落色 离婚 理发 立功 联欢 聊天儿 领情 领先 留级 留念 留神 留学 留影 露面儿 露馅儿 录音 骂街 买账 卖劲儿 卖命 满额 毛腰 冒名 冒险 迷路 命名 命题 摸底 摸门儿 募捐 纳闷儿 纳税 闹病 闹鬼 闹事 拟稿(儿) 逆风 念经 念书 努力 拍板 拍手 拍照 排版 排队 排戏 盘货 盘腿 跑步 赔本 赔款 赔礼 碰杯 碰见 碰头 拼命 评奖 破案 破产 破例 起草 起床 起哄 起火 起头 牵线 签到 签名 签字 抢先 请假 请客 求婚 求情 求人 劝架 缺德 缺勤 缺席 让步 让座 绕远儿 惹祸 惹事 认错 认输 认帐 任职 入境 入迷 入学 入院 撒谎 散步 散会 扫地 扫兴 煞车 傻眼 伤心 上班 上当 上课 上税 上学 上瘾 生病 生火 生气 升班 升级 升学 省事 省心 失火 失眠 失效 失信 失学 失业 失约 失职 施肥 识字 使坏 使劲(儿) 收工 受潮 受罚 受害 受贿 受奖 受惊 受苦 受累 受凉 受骗 受气 受穷 受伤 受训 受灾 受罪 授奖 梳头 输血 摔交 睡觉 顺心 说服 说话 说理 说情 死心 送礼 送行 算账(算帐) 随便 随心 抬杠 抬头 谈话 探亲 叹气 烫发 逃学 讨好儿 讨厌 题词 提成 提高 提价 提议 挑刺儿 跳班 跳舞 听话 听见 停工 通车 通话 通信 同班 同事 同学 偷懒 偷税 投稿 投票 投资 退步 退票 退烧 脱身 托福 违法 问好 握手 误事 洗澡 下班(儿) 下课 下台 下乡 现眼 享福 像样 泄密 泄气 卸车 谢幕 心服 心慌 心软 行贿 行礼 休假 压服 延期 养病 要谎 要命 用功 用力 用心 游行 游泳 遇难 晕车 砸锅 栽赃 遭殃 造反 造孽 造谣 增产 扎根 扎针 沾边儿 沾光 张嘴 掌舵 掌权 掌勺儿 仗势 招标 招兵 招股 招生 招手 着火 着急 着凉 找钱 找事 照办 征兵 争光 争气 值班 执政 止步 中毒 中奖 中暑 中意 种地 种花儿 抓紧 抓药 转车 转脸 转身 转弯(儿) 转学 转业 转正 转向 装蒜 撞车 走调儿 走路 走神儿 走样儿 走运 坐牢 作案 作弊 作废 做伴(儿) 做东 做工 做梦 做主


Edited by chrix
现代汉语词典 has 2,400, not 1,400 separable verbs..
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I shall put the duration of an action in the middle of a verb

EXCEPT for those separable verbs that don't allow this' date=' or allow either.

Unfortunately the rules are different for every separable verb. This is one area of Chinese grammar where few generalisations can be given.


So no clear rule really. How should I approach this?

Will I get the problem tackled passively after a few years of massive exposure, or should I learn the appropriate rule for each verb with several hours cramming every day?

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I'm not sure if cramming will help, because these things are changing as we speak. What was acceptable for someone from the older generation might not be acceptable for someone from the younger. The dictionary has an appendix listing about 20-30 grammatical features, and they asked younger and older people to give their judgement about this, and you can see that there are differences. So exposure is the way to go, I think...

But there are some categories you can use:

1. V-O compounds (吃饭,安心,帮忙,发烧)

2. V-C compounds (C=complement AKA 补语) (拆散,打败,提高)

3. dvandva compounds (记录,游泳)

4. subject-predicate compounds (口服,心慌)

2-4 only allow for a limited degree of separation. So with V-O compounds I would always assume a more or less high degree of separability and look out for exceptions.

And even with V-O compounds there seem to be verbs that allow for both. So according to the grammar book and the dictionary, 见面一下 should be wrong, but many people seem to use it instead of 见一下面, and I don't think it would be considered wrong to say 留学一年 or 留一年学. These details might ultimately be slightly different for each verb :conf

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  • 3 months later...

I got some serious problems with 离合动宾词组. I look up in the dictionary and see that they can be separate but I do not know what words or phrase to insert between them.

For example,what can i insert between these words:

渡河 (is 度过一条河 acceptable)




P.s: Could someone direct me to any good source to learn about 离合动词 or 离合动宾词组?

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  • 1 year later...

Thank you so much for this list chrix. I was actually just doing some research on this phenomenon today as part of a new blog entry. Now you've provided such a comprehensive list I can get to work on finding out how the most common words are used. When the entry is published I'll let you know. As usual, it's taking much longer than I originally anticipated. ^^

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