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A better 2022…..hopefully



2022 comes around in a months time. What’s the plan?


1) For a start, I thought I should get a better hold of grammar patterns. 



Having a bit of structure is nice. So subdividing the grammar into HSK categories makes it feel a bit more systematic. 

2) Rather than just playing with the sentences in anki, I thought it might be a good idea to listen to a recording of the sentences first and drill them. What’s different to Glossika method? Glossika throws sentences at you at random. Listening to a set recording of the same grammar pattern but different sentences keeps it simpler to makes you the same grammar pattern across different sentences.

I found someone on HelloTalk to do the recordings. This person has a broadcasting degree and is also doing a PhD.   I be lending a hand in academic English in return for recordings and pronunciation training. Definitely a good find. 

3) to get the sentences, I took the anki deck and exported it as a text file. This was then imported into excel. Took less than five minutes to get all the sentences for HSK four from the anki deck into a nice organised list. The list was given to the hellotalk partner who has started reading them into voice files. I asked her to emphasize the tones so that when I listen and shadow, the tone is imprinted better into my memory. So far, she’s done about 120 sentences of very high quality. I will attach a sample later 

4) A prize find is this channel. Thank you @amytheorangutan! I have just started on this and I really enjoy the presenters style. She uses animation, hands and expressions quite cleverly. I also like her use of vocabulary in story telling. This particular link shows use of 過來 and 過去. I thought I had it pretty clear already but the additional examples and explanation gave extra vocabulary and extra depth to the learning. 



For example 失去了意識, 場景. 

Originally I had just started going through Chinesepod but I have dropped that now in preference for this channel for building up grammar and vocabulary. 




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I am getting to the point where I'm surprised to hear people are still diligently working on their Chinese. All the best to you of course. Just surprised more people aren't chucking it in.

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This particular link shows use of 過來 and 過去. I thought I had it pretty clear already but the additional examples and explanation gave extra vocabulary and extra depth to the learning. 






That really is an excellent explanation! I had not visited her channel before. 

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On 12/9/2021 at 11:06 AM, abcdefg said:




That really is an excellent explanation! I had not visited her channel before. 


You are far ahead of this stage, right?

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