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A while back I watched a unit in YoYo Chinese upper intermediate video course where they went to a restaurant in Beijing and ordered duck. Just for the hell of it and to go somewhere I haven't been, I emailed them and asked for the name of the restaurant. They wrote back telling me it was 青年餐厅( qīngnián) Fēngtái branch and the other day I finally got around to taking the subway down there. Turned out to be EXCELLENT roast duck! My wife is not a fan of duck, so I got a half all to myself. 半只 was 118块, not the cheapest, but not terribly expensive either. Service was great. I also had a little win moment in that I did all the ordering for myself and my wife, including some adjustments and requests - all the while the waitress did not once ask my wife for any clarification, confirmation, or even look her way?. It also reminded me that I don't go for duck often enough. So now I'm going to make it a point to try as many duck restaurants in Beijing as I can and see which one I like best. I already passed by a random one in a Hutong near 东四 and tagged the location in my phone, so that will be next.



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Well to be honest, when going to that restaurant I hadn't even considered whether or not it was wood-fired. Looking at the picture here, you can see the oven in the background, it looks like it would be. Picture 2 here is another duck place right near my apartment (花 Hua)and you can clearly see it's wood fired and operating. So, there's no law against in BJ, or they need to have an elaborate smoke filtration system maybe? Also, Homeplate in BJ(western bbq restaurant definitely has wood fired ovens).


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The link from Google isn't working so all I get is this fragment of text:


但著名传统菜肴北京烤鸭的存在也受到了威胁,因为它的制作方法“污染空气”。 北京环保局采取的治理餐馆空气污染的措施将使上千名厨师失去他们的果木烤炉,而这是制作 ...

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Ah roast duck, a subject near and dear to my heart! Looks like they did it right, carving it for you tableside, supplying wrappers and condiments. 北京烤鸭 has become a "dining experience" as much as it is a food. I always enjoy splashing out at one of the "fine dining roast duck" places when I go there. 


Yunnan has its own style of roast duck 烤鸭 that is equally delicious even though not as elaborate. It's roasted in a similar manner but you buy either a whole bird or a half one and they chop it into pieces, instead of carving thin slices. The place I usually bought them in Kunming sold a whole duck for 48 RMB, a half for 26. That includes a small packet of dipping sauce, some salty dry spices and a few pieces of spring onion. 




The snapshot is from Jianshui 建水, a small historic city to the south. (SE Yunnan.)




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On 1/30/2022 at 4:15 AM, 889 said:

The link from Google isn't working so all I get is this fragment of text:


但著名传统菜肴北京烤鸭的存在也受到了威胁,因为它的制作方法“污染空气”。 北京环保局采取的治理餐馆空气污染的措施将使上千名厨师失去他们的果木烤炉,而这是制作 ...

They must've found a way around because the brick oven at Hua duck today was raging when I walked by and I could smell it faintly as well. 

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