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Little film for my teacher friend in Guangdong (she's Chinese)



My Chinese friend is teaching 6 and 7 year olds in Guangdong. She sent me an 11 minutes video on bilibili showing all her students asking hundreds of questions... so I made a video to send back to them . It's pretty basic speaking, but the pictures and editing took me ages! 


See if you can understand me using the non subs! 




No English subs - https://youtu.be/eQLlXU0QeE0?feature=shared


English subs - https://youtu.be/ewRQ6828G-4?feature=shared

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I had watched your bilibili video. Your Chinese was fluent. The pronunciation was standard without accent and the rhythm was rather good. That's how a native speaker talks in daily life. 'rank 20' is '排第二十名'. Only few character pronuncations were incorrect. Congratulations!

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