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A Hand Scrawled 春聯



During my annual adventure into the Chinese outback for Spring Festival I decided to keep myself occupied by going on a search for the most unique 春聯 in the neighborhood. We went to 百年 in an unfamiliar part of town on the last day and I came across this old house. Pasted in the middle is a tiny, but proud brand new 2018 year of the dog calendar. After coming across an endless number of free brand advert 春聯, this was a bold and refreshing thing to see. Happy Year of the Dog to all.






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Interesting but a bit sad at the same time.

What intrigues me is the eleven digit number on each door,  they look like a different number . It looks too big for a house number and why would you put your telephone number on the front door?

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It's for rent and that's the landlord's number?


Of course as a new tenant, you'd no doubt negotiate a good redecorating allowance, so you could have the place re-painted, including the door.


In any event, the 春联 look like the chalk scrawls of some local kids who don't have enough homework. I recall once coming across a similar scrawl on a vacant building, 有鬼. Probably done by the same kids.


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Judging by neighborhood, there would be no need to negotiate redecoration, I'm guessing the landlord is just biding his time until a 拆 sign goes up and he suddenly becomes insanely rich

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My understanding is that "owners" do not become insanely rich when "their" property is redeveloped. They get some compensation of course, but the real money goes to the development company and the local government and friends.

(Remember the Chinese government owns all land, so "ownership" in China isn't quite akin to Anglo-American notions of freehold.)

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I don't think it's for rentals - I can't make out what it is, but there's 房XXX回收 or something written in green between the two doors. I think it's just so people can phone the proprietor if they turn up when he's out.

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It's 废旧金属回收 'scrap metal recycling'. The telephone numbers are likely adverts left by previous owners/users of this place (a storehouse?) and/or the competitors.

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