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Tongue Twisters


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Can anyone post some Chinese tongue twisters for me to practice saying?

My husband was trying to remember one about eating grapes & I remember my Chinese roommates telling me one about a monk carrying soup up a pagoda.


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Can anyone post some Chinese tongue twisters for me to practice saying?

My husband was trying to remember one about eating grapes & I remember my Chinese roommates telling me one about a monk carrying soup up a pagoda.



Chi1 pu2 tao2 bu4 tu3 pu2 tao2 pi2, bu4 chi1 pu2 tao2 dao4 tu3 pu2 tao2 pi2.

which is "(When he)eats grapes but doesn't spit out grape skin, but (when he) doesn't eat grapes (he) then spits out grape seeds."

incidentally, tongue twisters are called rao4kou3ling4 in mandarin.

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  • 1 year later...


And these (from previous posts in this website)

<<shī shì shí shī shì>>

shí shì shī shì shī shì,shì shī,shì shí shí shī。shì shí

shí shì shì shì shī。shí shí,shì shí shī shì shì。shì shí,

shì shī shì shì shì。shì shì shí shī,shì shĭ shì,shĭ shì

shí shī shì shì。shì shí shì shí shī shī,shì shí shì。shí

shì shī,shì shì shì。 shì shĭ shì shí shí shī shī。shí shí,

shĭ shí shí shī shī,shí shì shí shí shī shī。shì shì shì shì.



zuo3bian1 lai2 le5 yi1 ge4 ban4yan3 e4 gou3 de5 tong2xue2,

you4bian1 lai2 le5 yi1 ge4 ban4yan3 er4 ge1 de5 tong2xue2。

ban4yan3 e4 gou3 de5 tong2xue2 dai4 zhe5 liang3 zhi1 da4 er3,

ban4yan3 er4 ge1 de5 tong2xue2 dai4 zhe5 liang3 zhi1 da4 e2。

e4 gou3 kan4jian4 er4 ge1 de5 da4 e2,jue2 de5 du4 er5 hen3 e4。

e4 gou3 e4 qi3 lai2 jiu4 yao4 yao3 er4 ge1 de5 da4 e2,

er4 ge1 qi4 qi3 lai2 ye3 yao4 yao3 e4 gou3 de5 da4 er3,

jie2 guo3 e4 gou3 mei2 yao3 dao4 er4 ge1 de5 da4 e2 ban4 kou3,

fan3er2 shi4 er4 ge1 yao3 le5 e4 gou3 de5 da4 er3 yi1 kou3。










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儿媳 见 公爹,手里拎只鳖,鳖看爹,爹看鳖,爹去拎鳖,鳖咬爹手,爹急撇了鳖。

er2 xi2 jian4 gong1die1, shou3li3lin1 zhi1bie1, bie1 kan4die1, die1kan4bie1, die1qu4lin1bie1, bie1yao3die1shou3, die1ji2pie3lebie1

son's wife sees his father, carrys a turtle, turtle looks at father,father looks back, father touches turtle, turtle bites father, father worried droped the turtle

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  • 3 months later...

四十四石狮子死 si4shi2si4 shi2 shi1zi si3 44 stone lions die.

There's also one in which the 44 stone lions eat 44 stone lice.

四是四 si4 shi2 si4 four is four

十是十 shi2 shi4 shi2 ten is ten

十四是十四 shi2si4 shi4 shi2si4 fourteen is fourteen

四十是四十 si4shi2 shi4 si4shi2 forty is forty

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