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Warning for those considering using China Homestay


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This thread is for all those people out there contemplating a homestay in China/Beijing and especially those considering using China Homestay (http://www.chinahomestay.org/) (http://beijing-homestay.com/). My girlfriend and I write this purely as a warning, based entirely on our own experiences with this company. For other peoples' experiences and opinions please read the threat entitled 'China Homestay' started by 'Yellow Tina'.

We have used this company and have just recently terminated our involvment with them - 5 months earlier than we contracted to end our homestay. We feel that we have wasted every last cent we paid them. In short, we would not suggest anyone using them as a viable homestay option.

Some FIRSTHAND reasons why we would not recomment China Homestay:

- The service provided was shocking and the information provided when we had any queries was so unhelpful it almost drove me to tears on a number of occassions.

- We were given false information twice regarding where our host family was going to be situated and ended up an hour away from our university.

- China Homestay failed to find out critical information from the homestay family that could have, and in part, did ruin our homestay experience (the other part being the distance to travel to and from uni). I don't know what kind of information they ask a family before they approve them, but from our experience, the words 'sweet f**k all' ring resoundingly clear.

- After the first night they never followed up how the homestay was going, which we feel is a clear indication of how much care is really given to how settled we felt in the assigned family.

- When we terminated my involvement with them and gave a list of greviances we had with their service, the business manager sent me back a one-liner email saying "Sorry it didn't work out for you. All the best." In fact, this absolutely pathetic response is a perfect example of the quality of service and care we received from this company.

- They never sent a legitimate receipt which we felt was needed if things ever went pear shaped (as they did). Instead, I was given a scribble on a business card as a 'temporary receipt' despite requesting a proper one twice.

- Neither the family we stayed with nor myself were told by China Homestay that we were to register at the local PSB as soon as we moved in. The fine is 500yuan per day.

- The homestay family we lived with told us THEY had to pay China Homestay for being involved in their program. My girlfriend has been involved in another homestay program and her mother works for a homestay company and neither of them have heard of a situation where a family invites a total stranger into their house and gives them a meal everyday and has to pay a company who is making money from the stranger as well. Absurd.

We feel totally CHEATED by China Homestay. A one armed mentally deficient monkey could have done a better job running our homestay than this company. We honestly have no clue as to what we actually paid them for...it was probably the stupidest decision I have ever made. I don't want anyone else kicking themselves for doing so as well.

Our first-hand opinion is that if you are looking for a professional, well-managed, dedicated company to run your living experience in Beijing, stay well away from China Homestay.

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