skylee Posted July 16, 2007 at 11:31 PM Report Share Posted July 16, 2007 at 11:31 PM I heard his song on the radio this morning. The DJs praised about the perfect duet, the perfect lyrics, especially "射鵰、引弓、塞外奔馳", how one could visualise the scenes simply by listening to this song, etc ... The song is from the 1983 TV drama 射鵰英雄傳, first season 鐵血丹心. Both the song and the drama are considered classics by many, not to mention the original novel. 鐵血丹心 曲:顧嘉煇 詞:鄧偉雄 唱:羅文 / 甄妮 女 : 依稀往夢似曾見 心內波瀾現 男 : 拋開世事斷愁怨 合 : 相伴到天邊 男 : 逐草四方 沙漠蒼茫 那懼雪霜撲面 女 : 冷風吹 天蒼蒼 籐樹相連 男 : 射鵰 引弓 塞外奔馳 笑傲此生無厭倦 女 : 猛風沙 野茫茫 籐樹兩纏綿 男 : 天蒼蒼 野茫茫 萬般變幻 女 : 應知愛意似是流水 斬不斷 理還亂 合 : 身經百劫也在心間 恩義兩難斷 Listen Watch Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quest Posted July 17, 2007 at 12:58 AM Report Share Posted July 17, 2007 at 12:58 AM May I also suggest 甄妮 奋斗? 羅文 sings it in Shanghainese: Original version: Also 張德蘭 網中人: 何日再相見: She had such a sweet voice. I think you have to have grown up in the culture to appreciate these songs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lyfey Posted July 17, 2007 at 08:49 AM Report Share Posted July 17, 2007 at 08:49 AM 引用:I heard his song on the radio this morning. The DJs praised about the perfect duet, the perfect lyrics, especially "射鵰、引弓、塞外奔馳", how one could visualise the scenes simply by listening to this song, etc ... 不仅这首歌里有“射雕,引弓”,在毛泽东1945年的词中也有“一代天骄成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕”的句子。 为什么呢?因为雕是一种可以飞得很高、很快的猛禽,要想射下这样的猛禽,需要有相当的膂力和武功,而在古人看来,这样的人就是英雄。 因此,“引弓射雕”描绘的是这样一种场景:一个人拉开大弓将飞得又高又快的的雕射了下来。这是中国文学中一种常用的手法,虽然没有明说这个人是个英雄,但是,从其表现和行为上说明了这个人的英雄气概。 “塞外奔驰”又是为了说明什么呢?首先,说说什么是“塞外”。这需要对中国的地理和历史有所了解。塞外是指边塞以外,泛指北方草原地区。这句话勾勒出了这样一种场景,在广阔的草原上,天高云低,一望无际,此时,一个人策马奔驰在这茫茫的草原上,这是何等的奔放,何等的自由呀! 解释一下,为什么是“天高云低”?如果周围的环境很开阔,一眼望不到边,人站在其中,会有一种错觉,那就是云好像变低了,有兴趣的朋友可以去北方草原亲身感受一下。 因此,“塞外奔驰”体现的是一种无拘无束、自由的、奔放的、粗犷的、开阔的情怀。 英雄主义和这种自由奔放的情怀都是中国人所向往的。在中国人的骨子里有这么几样东西,侠、义、浪漫。因此,当听得这些词汇之后,在中国人的心中就会浮现出这些场景,把自己当成主人公了,有一种浪漫的情怀在里面。 另外,从文学的角度上来看,大家觉得这几句话写得好,主要是因为,它们都琅琅上口,并且,以很简洁的几个字,就表现出(勾勒出)了很深厚的含义,这也是中国人在写作时所追求的“言简意赅”(古人)。再有,这几个词还比较对仗,因此,也是大家喜欢的一个原因。 以我在中文环境中浸润二十几年的经历,这就是我所能想到的内容了。 开个玩笑,我就是中国人,尽管去过几个地方,但一辈子没出过国,所以只能在中文环境中呆着了。 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roddy Posted July 17, 2007 at 11:49 AM Report Share Posted July 17, 2007 at 11:49 AM 古代中国人应该没有多少会向往这样的生活。你知道成吉思汗对中国造成了多大伤害吗?单单是人口,中国就被灭了三分之二,加上各方面的对汉人的侮辱和对中国文明的伤害,这样的人,我永远都不会把他当英雄。老毛和老共对他的歌颂本身就是国家的耻辱。 • This is an English-language forum about Chinese. Posts and their titles should be mostly in English, except in sections specifically for practicing Chinese. Obviously the use of some Chinese is necessary for examples, etc, but a non-speaker of Chinese should still be able to understand the purpose of your post. Terms and Conditions Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skylee Posted July 17, 2007 at 01:22 PM Author Report Share Posted July 17, 2007 at 01:22 PM lyfey, thanks for the elaboration. Indeed I find the whole arrow shooting, eagle killing and prairie roaming business very romantic, just in the way you described. The image of a man drawing a bow and shooting an eagle carries exactly that "hero" implication you said. I didn't realise until I had posted the lyrics that one should first draw the bow before he could shoot the eagle. So the actions in the lyrics are actually in a wrong order. But still the lyrics are good. (I've just checked the lyrics of the theme song of the 2003 CCTV production of the same story and guess what, it is still 射鵰引弓, not 引弓射鵰. haha.) In response to roddy, I guess the title of the song can be translated to Iron Blood, Loyal Heart. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skylee Posted July 17, 2007 at 01:51 PM Author Report Share Posted July 17, 2007 at 01:51 PM 不仅这首歌里有“射雕,引弓”,在毛泽东1945年的词中也有“一代天骄成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕”的句子。 That was why the name of the novel was changed to 大漠英雄傳 when it was first published in Taiwan. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quest Posted July 17, 2007 at 10:39 PM Report Share Posted July 17, 2007 at 10:39 PM Originally Posted by Quest, before he deleted it 古代中国人应该没有多少会向往这样的生活。你知道成吉思汗对中国造成了多大伤害吗? 单单是人口,中国就被灭了三分之二,加上各方面的对汉人的侮辱和对中国文明的伤害,这样的人,我永远都不会把他当英雄。老毛和老共对他的歌颂本身就是国家的耻辱。 And talk about respect, thank you for knowingly posting what I decided to delete. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rootfool Posted July 18, 2007 at 12:52 AM Report Share Posted July 18, 2007 at 12:52 AM Originally Posted by Quest, before he deleted it 古代中国人应该没有多少会向往这样的生活。你知道成吉思汗对中国造成了多大伤害吗? 单单是人口,中国就被灭了三分之二,加上各方面的对汉人的侮辱和对中国文明的伤害,这样的人,我永远都不会把他当英雄。老毛和老共对他的歌颂本身就是国家的耻辱。 Wars is always hurt civilians,no matter in china or other countrys.-----兴 xing1,百姓苦 bai2 xing4 ku3;亡 wang2,百姓苦 bai2 xing4 ku3。(People suffered whether the country is prosperous.) Similaly,成吉思汗 is respected as a hero for his conquering other countrys, same with Caeser."成王败寇 cheng2 wang2 bai4 kou4"(winner is always right) is a principle in human's history.:(There is a poem can explain it: 杀一是为罪 sha1 yi1 shi4 wei2 zui4,屠万是为雄tu2 wan4 shi4 wei2 xiong2。屠得九百万 tu2 de2 jiu3 bai3 wan4,即为雄中雄 ji2 wei2 xiong2 zhong1 xiong2。(If you kill one you are a murder.But kill ten thousand you're a hero.Just kill nine million,then you're a super hero) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
studentyoung Posted July 18, 2007 at 04:27 AM Report Share Posted July 18, 2007 at 04:27 AM Originally Posted by Quest, before he deleted it古代中国人应该没有多少会向往这样的生活。你知道成吉思汗对中国造成了多大伤害吗? 单单是人口,中国就被灭了三分之二,加上各方面的对汉人的侮辱和对中国文明的伤害,这样的人,我永远都不会把他当英雄。老毛和老共对他的歌颂本身就是国家的耻辱。 Hmm? I don’t think in Mao Zedong’s poem “沁园春•雪”, Mao sang highly of emperors in Qing, Han, Tang and Song, and Genghis Khan. In fact the rhetoric used in the poem is called “春秋笔法”. What is called “春秋笔法”? Please check the link below: In short, 春秋笔法 means the writer can use only one or two simple but extreme accurate words in express his ideas on one thing or one person in a rather euphemistic way. For example, 薨 and 卒 both means “die”, but they means different connotations. The death of those respectable historical figures with high status deserve the word “薨”. The death of those who the writer don’t want to respect just can be described as “卒”. In fact, the “春秋笔法” used in “沁园春•雪”is rather clear. Though Mao said “江山如此多娇This land so rich in beauty,引无数英雄竞折腰Has made countless heroes bow in homage”, which seems to imply that the men he mentioned in the follow verses are “heroes:, Mao used a lot of euphemistic but negative words like “惜But alas!”,”略输Were lacking”, “稍逊Had little”, “只识Knew only” to express his opinions on those “heroes”. 沁园春•雪 北国风光, 千里冰封, 万里雪飘。 望长城内外, 惟余莽莽; 大河上下, 顿失滔滔。 山舞银蛇, 原驰蜡象, 欲与天公试比高。 须晴日, 看红装素裹, 分外妖娆。 江山如此多娇, 引无数英雄竞折腰。 惜秦皇汉武, 略输文采; 唐宗宋祖, 稍逊风骚。 一代天骄, 成吉思汗, 只识弯弓射大雕。 俱往矣, 数风流人物, 还看今朝。 Snow (February 1936) North country scene: A hundred leagues locked in ice, A thousand leagues of whirling snow. Both side of the Great Wall One single white immensity. The Yellow River's swift current Is stilled from end to end. The mountains dance silver snakes And the highland charge like wax-hued elephants. Vying with heaven in stature. On a fine day, the land, Clad in white, adorned in red, Crows more enchanting. This land so rich in beauty Has made countless heroes bow in homage. But alas! Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi Were lacking in literary grace, And Tang Taizong and Song Taizu Had little poetry in their souls; That proud son of Heaven, Genghis Khan, Knew only shooting eagles, bow outstretched. All are past and gone! For truly great men Look to this age alone. (names mentioned in this poem: Qin Shihuang : the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty[211 BC-206 BC], also the first in Chinese history. Han Wudi: a great emperor in the Han Dynasty[206 BC-220 BC]. Tang Taizong : a great emperor in the Tang Dynasty[AD 618- 907], and maybe the greatest of all Chinese emperors. Song Taizu: the first emperor of the Song Dynasty[960-1279]) Thanks! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rootfool Posted July 18, 2007 at 07:47 AM Report Share Posted July 18, 2007 at 07:47 AM I don’t think in Mao Zedong’s poem “沁园春•雪”, Mao sang highly of emperors in Qing, Han, Tang and Song, and Genghis Khan. Agree with this. But a little disagree with that------ In fact the rhetoric used in the poem is called “春秋笔法”. As your saying:春秋笔法 means the writer use different words but same meaning to express his ideas.But in here,Mao's poem “沁园春•雪”,we can understand his a bit despisal about "秦始皇/汉武帝/唐太宗/宋高祖/成吉思汗" easily through the words "惜/略输/稍逊/只识". I don't think such using word with apparent emotional trend can be called “春秋笔法”. Such as "郑伯克段于鄢 [zhen4 bo2 ke4 duan4 yu2 yan1]。----《春秋 [chun1 qiu1]》",it's sounds normal even you translate it:"郑伯在鄢这里打败了段 [zhen4 bo2 zai4 zhe4 li3 da3 bai4 le duan4](郑伯 defeated 段 in the place called 鄢.)。" But the 《左传 [zuo3 zhuan4]》said:“段不弟,故不言弟。如二君,故曰克。称郑伯,讥失教也。谓之郑志。不言出奔,难之也。”/B] 段没有尽弟弟的孝道(即孝道中的“弟敬”)[段 didn't obey the rule of filial(that is,younger brother must respect elder brother)] , 所以不说他是弟弟(伯仲季叔,老大为伯,老二为仲,老么为叔,其余都为季,按理至少应该叫他段仲)[so the writter didn't say 段 is yonger brother,(in ancient china,the first son called 伯,the second is 仲,the yongest is 叔,others are 季,so if the writter think 段 is younger brother he will call him "段仲")], 他们打仗像两个君主,所以说“克”(they combated like two emperor,so here use the word "克")。 “克”,有能够的意思,能打败而跑到鄢那么远的地方去打了,为什么呢("克" also contains the meaning of "can",but why 郑伯 defeated 段 in such a distant place called 鄢 which is far away from the capital although 郑伯 had ability to do it in the capital.)? 才有“讥失教,谓郑志。”是说郑伯没有教导他弟弟,故意纵容他,处心积虑而造成这样结果。(the following sentence "讥失教,谓郑志。" represent the reason.That because 郑伯 didn't stop 段 when 段 starts planning to rebel.郑伯 is the legal successor of the empery, but the writter didn't use the respect call,"郑庄公",because 郑伯 didn't teach his brother to obey the rule.郑伯 indulged 段 so he can kill him with a justify excuse.) 用叙述的语言来隐含作者的褒贬,我觉得这才是春秋笔法吧。(cover the writter's emotion with narrative, I think that's the 春秋笔法.) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skylee Posted July 18, 2007 at 08:16 AM Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2007 at 08:16 AM All I wanted was to share some music, some light-hearted entertainment ... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lyfey Posted July 19, 2007 at 05:28 AM Report Share Posted July 19, 2007 at 05:28 AM all I wanted just to have some thing to talk to others irrelevant to right or wrong. just for fun:D Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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