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Tsinghua University Feb 2008 start date? + other practical questions xie xie!!


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I'm have been studying at Shanghai Jiao Da for one year and plan to go to Beijing in February 2008 to study for a semester at Tsinghua Uni (and then watch the Olympics of course!) : www.tsinghua.edu.cn/docsn/wb/lxs/clcffe.htm

I have already looked at this excellent forum and had a quick search on the net but can't seem to find the answers to a few questions(Ok quite a lot of questions!). I would be very grateful if anyone can help me out:

1. Any idea what date the Chinese language courses usually start in February 2008 at Tsinghua? (On their website it just says February). I plan to go travelling in Jan/feb 2008 and also need to move to Beijing so a start date for the course would help me to plan my move more effectively.

2. Does anyone have a good map of Beijing showing the location of Tsinghua University etc (the map on their site does not seem to work).

3. Has anyone studied Chinese at Tsinghua University? Would you recommend it to other people...is the teaching quality etc. pretty good? On their website it says there are 20 hours teaching per week - would that be four hours a day Monday-Friday? Do classes tend to be in the morning/afternoon or is it a mixture? How many students in each class on average? (10-20?)

4. In Shanghai I share an apartment with Chinese people and I really enjoy it and find it a good way to embrace the culture/practice the language. Does anyone know any decent websites in Chinese/English where Chinese people look for flatmates/flatshares in Beijing? Or any other tips in terms of finding accommodation in Beijing?

5. (Sorry for all the questions! last one:)

Is it easy to find part-time English teaching jobs near Tsinghua Uni (or in Beijing as a whole) as in Shanghai I am able to fund my studies and pay for the cost of living by part-time English teaching. I know on an X-visa it is not strictly...but it is China! Does anyone teach English part-time/full-time in Beijing? Is it quite easy to pick up part-time work? What is the average hourly rate? (In Shanghai it is 150 RMB per hour - more for business English). I've got one years teaching experience in China now, so I'm hoping it will be quite easy to pick up part-time English teaching at the likes of EF, Web International etc

Thank you very much indeed for any help anyone can give me. My apologies for so many questions! But you know how it is, any insight and advice will facilitate my move to China's cultural capital!

Many thanks for your time.

Xie xie :lol:

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Hey pingpang qiu,

The last semester started at the beginning of march, and not february, but it might changed.

Anyway, you should come in February. as you will need couple of days before or even a week, for arranging all the tuition stuff and a lot of other papers, and for the placement exams. Better ask Tsinghua when are the exams, and when you need to pay the tuition.

You can find some information for your question about Tsinghua here:


You also might as well check the 'working in china' forums, a lot of answers for your questions there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

1) it won't start before mid feb. because of the Chinese New Year. The time period of the Chinese New Year changes from year to year so does the semester however the entire festival takes like two weeks and then add a few days at least for the students to come back.

2) it's located in the north east between 4th ring and 5th ring. the area is called WuDaoKou and is home to a large number of colleges including BCLU and Peking University. here is a rough map:

3) yes, four full hours and it's a morning/afternoon mixture if they haven't changed it yet. class size is supposed to be less than 15 but I've seen a few lower level classes with more students. My class had 10 but only 8 have ever showed up. Toward the end, we only had like 3 people showing up regularly (i wasn't part of this group :lol:)

Most teachers are excellent. I believe Tsinghua, Peking and BCLU are the top three in Beijing.

4) I believe most Tsinghua students live on campus due to the relatively low housing cost. Apartments in the area are very expensive and usually only affordable to international students. I only know a few living outside and they have to share a room.

5) Yes, there are a lot of places in Beijing looking for native English speakers. I would say the pay is 120 - 200 (could be even more) depending on experience.

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I did not think that it would be expensive to share an apartment in the student area in Beijing, that's good to now.

In Shanghai I share a place with some Chinese people and it works well. Does anyone now any websites that Chinese people use in Beijing to look for flatshares - renting a room in shared apartment? (preferably in Chinese).

Many thanks

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it's located in the north east between 4th ring and 5th ring. the area is called WuDaoKou and is home to a large number of colleges including BCLU and Peking University.

here you can find a detailed map:


from the Wudaokou chengtie station go towards the Microsoft building, after the Lotus center turn right: Qinghua is in front of you! ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the good map elle that will be very useful.

If anyone is interested I just called Tsinghua University and they informed me that the next semester will start on the 26th February 2008. (If I understood correctly!) The deadline for sending in applications is around the 15th December I believe. It is also possible to stay in a single dorm room with bathroom for 75 RMB per night for a few weeks when you arrive, if for example you are looking for an apartment off campus (like I intend to).

Thanks people for your input!

I'm really looking forward to moving to Beijing and discovering it's people and its culture. Variety is indeed the spice of life:).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any idea if the course material at Tsinghua is interesting?

(or at any university/college)

I curently study at BLCU and I find it quite dull. (B level)

When I studied Chinese in Sydney our teacher brought in a lot

of information about Chinese history and culture.


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  • 2 months later...

wow i havent posted in such a long time. but i guess i will met you there as well i too was studying in blcu b level, but i got disillusioned with BLCU's money making machine over care of teaching. 26th is when it starts we have a placement exam on 20th or 22th of february.

pm me for more info and hope to see you guys.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone, hope all is well. I have a quick question in regarding to the dorming issues for international students. I understand that the registration date is Feb 19-21, 2008 but does anyone know whether we can check into the dorms earlier like the 16th of Feb or do we need to provide advance accomodation ourselves and wait for the registration dates ? Anyways, I hope to see you all there. Have a safe flight for all those who are flying and Talk to you soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I want to apply to Tsinghua for the fall 2008, I found that web page that tells what you need to send them, but I cannot find anything about how/ to whom/ when I need to pay the application fee?

I know that BLCU asks for the copy of the receipt and gives you all info about banks, what about Tsinghua??

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About application fee, just send them a checque in RMB or in US$, they should be the recipients.

I do not know the answer for another question, they do have the elective classes for chinese language students, but I haven't seen business lectures on that list.

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