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2008 HSK


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check this email address : tianqy@tsinghua.org.cn

i am sure that it's only a matter of time for u to get a reply from them...just stay patient!

if it doesnt work unexpectedly, Call this number: (010)82303672 82303962

Wish u good luck in HSK, and i am willing to answer any chinese language problem u met...:mrgreen:

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I was in a test group who tried the new test last weekend. In beforehand, I was just told that I could do the HSK for free, and didn't expect it to be different from before. But it was...

I was gonna write about the differences here, but as I saw this link, I thought I could spare me the 麻烦...


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I don't think so. However, they are testing them at the moment and if you get in touch either with the HSK office or your local HSK testing center you might be able to wrangle your way onto one of the trial sittings. I'm doing one this Friday, will let you know what I reckon. I'm pretty sure heifeng has done a write up on the one she took.

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Roddy the post by heifeng that you referred to (in case anyone else is interested) is here post #98. Definitely worth a look.

It will be interesting though to see how quickly they are able to get books in the new format out (if it does happen due to the discussion of hanban)...

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I'm doing one this Friday, will let you know what I reckon. I'm pretty sure heifeng has done a write up on the one she took.

Turns out I wasn't, I did a standard HSK test. If I'd known that I might not have bothered going along and if they'd told us we'd have to wait a month for the results I certainly wouldn't have bothered. Didn't do the speaking / writing.

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