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Tangentally Chinese - Kill Bill Vol. 2


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In Kill Bill Vol. 2, there's a chapter where The Bride takes martial arts training from Gordon Liu (Pai Mei). i have to hand it to Tarantino, he's gotten the look and feel of 1970's Martial Arts/Kung Fu movies down, almost exactly. The washed out color, the bad dubbing. The only thing I had a weird issue was with The Brides language - she spent the entire time speaking four languages - poorly- English, Japanese, Mandarin, and Cantonese.

Obviously, everything in the movie is derivative (and intentionally so) - but The Bride's training with Pai Mei is my favorite part of the movie.

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Personally, I thought the mixed up languages made that Chapter much more entertaining.

hahaha.... those zooms where the camera goes out of focus were classic. And the way Pai Mei plays with his beard was hilarious.

I think the best line came from Elle Driver though:

To Pai Mei: "I poisoned your fish head, you miserable old fool!"

To The Bride: "I poisoned his fish head."

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I suggest anyone who hasn't seen this movie just stop reading this thread, and go watch the movie! You don't want to spoil any of the scenes, now do you???











That was probably one of my favourite parts too..... The eyeball pluck itself was pretty cool, but what happened after that was pretty unexpected. I just thought to myself, "Now there's something we've never seen in a movie". It was just a nice little touch. No holds barred. And the conversation with BB about the gold fish just expanded on that scene.

Elle was pretty angry after she had her second eye taken out, huh?

I was under the impression that vol. 2 was mainly going to take place in China. That would've been good. Oh well.

Oh yeah, Tarantino has been talking about a Kill Bill prequel. No definate plans yet, but he said if they end up making it, it would be based around on the life of Bill and how he came about learning from Esteban, Hattori Hanzo and Pai Mei. Another idea is the story of Nikita Green, the daughter of Vernita Green who was knifed in vol. 1.

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There's a rumor on the internet that Go-Go Yubari's younger sister (who was sent home before the massacre at the japanese restaurant) had an entire chapter written about her coming to America and seeking out the Bride for revenge.

To bring this back to Chinese language and culture - one thing I noticed is that sometimes the translation was 100% accurate, other times, Pai Mei was talking about something else entirely. For instance, there's a little part where he chides her for being unable to walk up the 180 steps - but there's no mention of it in the subtitles.

If tarantino had played Pai Mei - it would've been awful

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The younger sister is Yuki. You can read about her in the original script, which was leaked onto the net before vol. 1 was even released. There's a chapter called "Yuki's Revenge" about what she does after she learns about Gogo being killed at House of Blue Leaves. I've only read up to the end of vol. 1 so far, but should be exciting.


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Going completely off topic, the rumor I heard was that QT's next project was a prequel to Resevoir Dogs/Pulp Fiction and it was going to be about the Vega Brothers (Vincent - John Travolta in Pulp Fiction; Vic - Michael Madsen in Resevoir Dogs)

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