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Guide to Nanjing (南京)


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[h3]Orientation:[/h3] A medium sized city , 6 million people including suburbs, nanjing was the former capital of the Kuomingtang government. It is located south of the Changjiang river with A large Xuan Wu lake and Purple Mountain. The main universities Nanjing U, Nanjing Normal U, South East U, are located in the Center of the city.

[h3]Public transport:[/h3] The subway line 1 goes north from the train station south to Nanjing U and ends at the Olympic stadium. Bus lines 9, 5 and Tourist 2 go to Purple mountain and Sun Yat Sen's Mauseleum.

[h3]Shopping:[/h3] XinJiekou (Department stores), Fuzi Miao (Small retailers) and Hunan lu (boutiques ) are the major shopping areas. The foreign language book store and two other book stores are located in Xinjiekou and East of Xin Jie Kou.

[h3]Studying:[/h3] Nanjing Normal Univerisity Chinese department is the most famous in Nanjing. But perhaps the most difficult.

Nanjing University has an established program. Also at Nanda there is a Joint John Hopkins Nanjing U Center for chinese. Other Universities with sizable foreign student populations are South East University and Hohai Univeristy

[h3]Bars / cafes:[/h3] The 1912 Bar district near the old Presidential Palace is the most popular bar area in Nanjing with mostly disco bars. Foreign Student hang out also include Jimmy's Pizza Restaurant and Bar, Behind the Wall bar, Castle Bar, and Scarlet's Luan Shi Jia Ren Jiu ba, Blue Sky expat Bar.

[h3]Restaurants:[/h3] Jimmy's Pizza started by an ex-English Teacher has good food and the low down of where to go. Skyways German Bakery near Nanjing Normal U gets you a big sandwich meal for 20 yuan. In the West of Nanjing you can go to the Famous Wan Bu Liao (unforgetable) restuarant and order the specialty Suan Cai Yu. There are some notable Musilim restaurants on qinghai lu near Nanjing U.

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