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ZDT 0.7.0 Available


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The new ZDT 0.7.0 final release is out and available for download. If you've been playing around with the RC builds, you'll mainly notice various bug fixes. Special thanks to forum posters drahnier, rabbit, cwmccabe and jbradfor ( and others) for all their help finding bugs or adding features.

You should see some more requested features being implemented in upcoming builds, so look out for them. Please check out the ZDT blog for a full list of changes. Thanks!


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Hi Chris,

Sorry if I’m asking questions that are probably answered somewhere else, but I couldn’t find it on a search of “ZDT install” or “ZDT upgrade.”

My questions are:

- Is it ok to install 0.7.0 on top of 0.6.1 or do you recommend that I first uninstall 0.6.1 and do a fresh install of 0.7.0? (I’m installing on Windows XP SP2 MCE)

- If you recommend an uninstall / new install, then is there a way to transfer my preferences and such from 0.6.1?


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Hi Luobot,

You should be able to install on top of 0.6.1. You will lose any extra plugins you've installed however, and you'll have to download them again. I made a change to where the ZDT workspace folder is located in 0.7.0 which is what holds your preferences. Instead of being in your ZDT install directory, it is now located in your user home directory (where your user database file is located). So I haven't actually tested this yet, but before you trying to install 0.7.0 you could try saving your existing 0.6.1 workspace directory and then moving it over to this new location. I would actually be interested in hearing if this works or not.



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Hi Chris,

I tried doing as you suggested, and it seemed ok until I tried accessing help > help contents, when I received an error message referring to line 11. I'll see if I can upload screenshots with this post.

It's not a show stopper but thought you would like to know. I'm not sure if it's because I copied the workspace directory back or if it would have occurred anyway for some other reason. I'm considering uninstalling and reinstalling to find out. What would be your suggestion? (Have others with Windows XP had no problems accessing the help system?)


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  • 1 month later...

I just installed 0.7.0

I like to add entries with serveral characters. I am having problems because it will not autofill. In the previous version, it would autofill, at least, the tradtional characters and pinying. Now, it just sits there. With inividual characters, there is no problem.

Has this functionality been changed... or is there something about the preferences that I need to adjust.



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Another question... I gave up trying to put works into 0.7.0 and went back to 0.6.1

Was trying to set up a new category and got this error message....


[org.springframework.jdc.cor.JbcTemplate$SimplePreparedStatementCreator@ef0cdb]): encountered SQLExceptiong [Column count does not match in statement [iNSERT INTO category VALUES(?,?,?,?]]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Column count does not match in statement [iNSERT INTO category VALUES(?,?,?,?)]

Doesn't mean much to me... but it is stopping me from creating new catagories.

Thanks again.



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I just installed 0.7.0

However i get the following error message when trying to create new categories

Bad SQL grammer [sELECT category_name From category order by CATEGORY_ORDER] in task 'excecuting StatementCallback'; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Table not found in statement [sELECT category_name FROm category]

i rolled back java from 1.6.0 to 1.5.0 but still same error

using windows vista

installed 0.6.1 and getting similiar corrupt database errors

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I removed the zdt directory... reinstalled 0.6.1... and got rid of the problem with not being able to create new categories. :mrgreen:

I tried again with 0.7.0 and it still will will not automaticly fill in multi-character entries... this is a major problem for me and I will keep to 0.6.1 till this can be addressed.

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Trevorp - Can you go back to 0.7.0 and do a Help > Report Bug and send me the resulting zip file? I'll take a look.

Radial - Auto-fill should work for multi-char words. Even if there's no valid definition, it should fill in the traditional and pinyin fields at least. Could you give me some specific words you tried that didn't work so I can try on my system?



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That is the way it has worked in 0.6.1... but with 0.7.0, I only get auto fill with an exact match. I just removed 0.6.1, got rid of any left over parts of that installation, and reinstalled 0.7.0 and still have the same problem. I just tried... 三角恋爱 and it will not auto fill... even though the square is marked. When I just do 三... I get autofill.

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Okay... got auto fill operating...:clap I have to either do a carriage return or a space after I paste a character. I think this is slightly different from how it operated in 0.6.1...

Thanks again... I look forward to moving everything into 0.7.0

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I found an interesting feature by accident: I did a dictionary search for "xang4" and ZDT returned the results for "ang4". Likewise, "xang1" returned results for "ang1". This is with the search filter set at "exact match". Doing the search with the "contains" filter is even more interesting.

Just thought I'd mention it, though it's not really a problem. In fact, some dictionaries do a "fuzzy" search when they find no results, so I'm calling this an interesting feature instead of a bug.

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Auto fill

1) Pasting in traditional characters and then entering a space/enter/whatever does not cause auto fill to happen. AF does work when doing that with simplified characters.

2) Auto fill clears the description field, forcing the user to enter it last.

Any chance of a fix for #1? When characters are put into the traditional character field, the program could check if the simplified character field is empty and if so, then auto fill simplified characters and pinyin.

Resolved problems:

MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME : pointing this to /usr/lib/firefox fixed the problem

"WARN : No sound provider installed. Unable to play sounds" ?? Downloading the roddy sound jar from sourceforge and installing/configuring it fixed this problem.

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Regarding your suggestion #1, I just added the feature, and played around with it a bit, and it seems to work pretty well.

Regarding #2, what do you think of the following behavior (and I'm asking everyone). If you haven't physically typed in anything in the definition field, then it will auto-fill the definition, including clearing it if there is no valid definition. Once you've modified or typed in the definition field, then the definition field will no longer auto-fill and whatever is in there stays. Unless you completely clear again, at which point it will auto-fill again. Is that too confusing?


I'll call it an interesting feature too. =) It's just what happens when you enter an "invalid" pinyin and it can't interpret it correctly.


I tried your examples and they seem to work fine for me. I'm on a Mac though. Are you using the Windows version?


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Regarding #2, what do you think of the following behavior (and I'm asking everyone). If you haven't physically typed in anything in the definition field, then it will auto-fill the definition, including clearing it if there is no valid definition. Once you've modified or typed in the definition field, then the definition field will no longer auto-fill and whatever is in there stays. Unless you completely clear again, at which point it will auto-fill again. Is that too confusing?
That should work. I guess the alternative would be to disable the definition field until the top three fields are filled in.

Would it be possible to get the jar(s) with the fix for #1?

Some other questions:

3) If I add an entry to a category with a new definition, does it ever get picked up and used by the annotator window? I.e., if I add 姥姥的 as "grandmother's" is there some way to make that supersede CEDICT's definitions when those three characters are encountered?

4) Is there a stop button for "Read text"? Could the annotator window indicate which character is being read?

Thanks again!

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Hi character,

So how do you normally work when entering a new entry? Are you wanting to enter the definition first?

The answer to #3 is no, not at the moment. These last two requests are potentially interesting features and I would suggest you log it in the ZDT sourceforge page so I will eventually get to them.

I will put a release in the sandbox area of the ZDT sourceforge page when I've finished incorporating the changes I want to get to.


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So how do you normally work when entering a new entry? Are you wanting to enter the definition first?
I've only used your program for a few minutes (not supporting entering traditional characters first when making new entries leaves me dead in the water) so I don't have a normal workflow. I probably only got bitten by the definition getting cleared because of the current behavior.

I think it would be less surprising to the user, if it is possible to enter the definition first, if it wasn't cleared once the user has entered one. You also could prevent people from entering the definition (and pinyin) first if you want to indicate a preferred order of entry.

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