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Can anybody help me with these questions?


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Hi everyone,

I'm a first time poster. :mrgreen: Happened to stumble onto this site while "googling"...

Just a little introduction...

I have been researching some teaching opportunities. I am looking to get a TEFL certificate in the near future. I already have a university degree in Business. I can already speak Mandarin as I am Chinese-Canadian. I only have about a year's worth of work experience in Market Research since I only graduated last year. I was thinking teaching English or Business English would be a good opportunity to gain entry and it also pays quite well (compared to locals), is an interesting job and many schools also provide accommodation and etc.

I was wondering can you apply for a tourist visa and then go to China to look for employment? How does that work and is that legal? Many of the teaching contracts I saw were only 6 months to one year. I'm really trying to secure long-term employment since I am thinking about relocating to China. Also my GF is there (she is a Chinese national) so I have to admit that gives me extra motivation as well.

Also even though I think teaching is a great opportunity how strict would schools or companies be if say they were to give me a Z Visa but I was still looking for another job on the side may it be for another school (that might offer a longer contract or permanent position) or company (eg. Marketing company)?

Thanks to anyone that answers. Your help is greatly appreciated. :mrgreen:

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I was wondering can you apply for a tourist visa and then go to China to look for employment?

It seems that a lot of folks go this route.

How does that work and is that legal?

Just make sure that once you do find a job, you get the proper visa. However, this will probably require that you make a short trip out of the country.

Also even though I think teaching is a great opportunity how strict would schools or companies be if say they were to give me a Z Visa but I was still looking for another job on the side may it be for another school (that might offer a longer contract or permanent position) or company (eg. Marketing company)?

I'm not sure what you mean by "how strict would schools or companies be"? Strict in regards to what? Breaking your contract? Or if you are wondering if they'd mind if you looked for a different job on the side, of course they would. It's actually a lot of work/money for them to get you a Z visa/residency.

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Thanks for your reply cdn_in_bj!

So a lot of people go on a tourist visa and look for jobs? I thought that was "technically" not allowed? I guess there are always exceptions and loopholes.

Ok so if I get the job will the school/company usually do all the paper work for me? I don't mind leaving the country for awhile. Actually I have relatives in HK so if a I get a Z-visa do I need to go back to Canada or can I just take a trip to HK. I know you can "extend" your stay by simply renewing your visa at HK and then going back to the mainland.

No I don't mean breaking contract. I mean trying to secure another contract by the time the current contract ends. I would be grateful if a school or company thought I was valuable enough to hire me and go through the whole visa process. A commitment is a commitment. Plus that is why I am saving up here right now so when I do go I don't just go empty handed. Always nice to have a good financial security blanket!

Would you happen to be a teacher in China? I am also guessing for your nick that you are a fellow Canadian?

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So a lot of people go on a tourist visa and look for jobs? I thought that was "technically" not allowed? I guess there are always exceptions and loopholes.

Allot of people look for work on the tourist visa. There's no problem with that. However you must not start working before paperwork is changed to the correct format.

Actually I have relatives in HK so if a I get a Z-visa do I need to go back to Canada or can I just take a trip to HK. I know you can "extend" your stay by simply renewing your visa at HK and then going back to the mainland.

HK is probably a good choice for you. Not all nationalities can get visas in HK but if you can usually get your tourist visa there then I would think you'll be OK for the Z visa. There should be no need to return to Canada.

No I don't mean breaking contract. I mean trying to secure another contract by the time the current contract ends. I would be grateful if a school or company thought I was valuable enough to hire me and go through the whole visa process. A commitment is a commitment. Plus that is why I am saving up here right now so when I do go I don't just go empty handed. Always nice to have a good financial security blanket!

Shouldn't be a problem if you are looking for another job for after your contract. It's expected that you will be here for a year then gone elsewhere. In fact if you tell your school that you'd like to go to such and such a city at the end of your current placement, they might even have a contact that can arrange it. Assuming that you and your school are still good friends after the year is over. However, you must not do two jobs at once. I knew one teacher here who did a Saturday class at another school. His main employer found out and fired him.

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as a (potentially important) sidenote....you may find it much harder to find English teaching jobs being Chinese-canadian....I don't have a lot of experience but my impression is that most schools want white people becuase there's a perception white people speak more authentic english so thats what some students and parents demand...

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