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nanjing univ. choice and applying directly


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I'm planning an 8 month trip starting the summer of 09, paid for by a fellowship. So far I'm thinking about CET Harbin for the summer and then Nanjing on my own for the fall, maybe with an internship if I can find one.

My main question is on Nanjing universities and how to enroll directly. Though I might want to learn taiqi or somesuch in addition to studying mandarin, I'm not interested in the dorm housing and mandatory extras that come with most US-based Nanjing programs. I want to take the leap and experience living in China without the prepackaging.

I'm looking for a university with good classes, though I might like to relax the pace a bit after an intensive summer in Harbin. I've tried browsing the Nanjing and Nanjing Normal websites, but I'm not getting anywhere constructive. Does anyone know where to get good information on fall programs and how to apply? Are there downsides to enrolling on your own at either of these universities? Do you think I'd be better off with a tutor than direct enrolling in a university?

Sorry if these are repeat questions, but I'd really appreciate a point in the right direction. Thanks

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Hi Blink,

I attended both Nanjing Normal and Nanjing University. They have changed some , both grown bigger and added students but I think they are still similar to what they were before.

Technically Nanshi da, Nanjing Normal has the better ranked Chinese language department. It also has ton's of Korean's 400 plus when I was there before, they say perhaps 600 now.

Because it's foreign student population is large they can split the classes much more closely to your level of difficulty. The classes are smaller now than before 12 opposed to 28 in 2003. People tell me they still progress quite fast 2 chapters a week in the Qiao book which most schools use here. University of Arizona, some other South american, and European schools also have students that are sent here.

Korean's are extremely diligent and know how to write most characters before they come here. If they are the majority in the class it will affect the atmosphere and make it more intense and less conducisive to asking questions. Let's just say CHinese didn't come easy to me.

Nanjing U , which I enjoyed more and spent 2 years is better I felt as the mix of students. Korean's were usually only 1/3 to 1/2 of the students. There were a lot more Germans, Japanese and other ESL teachers turned students there to relate to. The Classes were smaller 8-18 students . There were quite a few other classes operating along side be separately from us , A sheffield University class who had good Bar chinese, one or 2 US universities. One program, might be CET, had a 4 day week and the friday was used for field trips around nanjing and outside the city. It was also easier to pick and choose classes weird classes like Taichi, Interenational Relations, etc.. than Nanjing Normal . (Though I think Tai chi is offered at Nanjing normal or Wu tai stadium nearby.)

I found Nanda teaching to go a bit slower, and allowed you to ask questions more than Nanshi da. Some of your classes may be taught by graduate students but they are usually more flexible in changing the activities if things get boring.

The older teachers are quite good as well. You can audit graduate classes as well if you can find out when and where they meet.

Both places you can live off campus fairly easily. A lot of the Germans at Nanda live with Chinese families as well. The Nanda new foreign student dorm is much better than the old one even if it is still quite expensive compared to renting an apartment. (an apartment usually you have to rent for 6 months at least)

Both Schools have crap websites that haven't been updated in a few years.

So you should call their phone numbers and have them email or fax you the documents.

The cost at the time was 1100 USD per semester at Nanda and 1000 per semester and Nanjing Normal.

There are lots of universities in Nanjing that accept foreign students , South east Nanjing U, Hohai (with lots of africans as well as koreans) Nanyi Medical U with (indian and pakistani students) and other smaller ones.

Here's a website that mentions some.

Here's the poor Nanda foreign student website it has the phone number to call.

We play poker on Tuesdays and Baseball on Sundays, send me a message when you come to town or have more questions. Nanjing's a great town.

have fun,


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  • 2 years later...
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Hi simonlaing

I know this is quite an old post, but it's relevant to my current situation. After much browsing on this forum (and in part thanks to your insight into Nanjing), I've decided to kick off my 9 months in China in Nanjing University. I'm hoping to sign up for the beginner's intensive Mandarin lessons in Spring 2011. And move down south to Xiamen to explore another part of China. I can't seem to be able to find any info on courses or accommodation for Nanjing U online as some of their links are broken. Would you have a phone number or alternative website that I can visit?

Also, you mentioned that dorms are quite pricey - are there any off campus accommodation that are suitable if I'm only staying for one semester? I couldn't find a craigslist equivalent for Nanjing...

Any pointers you can give me would be much appreciated!

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Hi Ugly Duckling,

They seem to have revamped the webpage to a webpage that doesn't work.

All of these numbers are +86 025

I find the best way to solve these situations is to go there in person or to call them over the phone.

I think the departments in order of probability are these.

Center for Chinese and Japanese Studies 83686101

Center for Studied of Chinese Thinkers 83592758 86636607

And maybe Department of Chinese Language & Literature 83593393

This is not what you're looking for but they would probably have the number of the Nanjing University Chinese department.

The Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies 83592434

Good luck,


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