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曹植's 七步诗

Take a look: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZO1pUrYenoo


The whole poem:




Translation: 萁 (bean stems) and 豆 (beans) are born of the same root, why the rush for 萁 to cook/kill 豆。

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sorry, could you please explain: "横溢"? I can't find it in any dictionaries.

Also, is "直" the 量詞 of "心"? ("一直心怀忌恨")

Thanks for the excellent explanation!

"横溢" = Overflow with. Have abundance of. Here, it means 曹植 had abundance of talents (overflowingly so).

Also, "直" is not the 量詞 of "心". "一直" is a common Chinese phrase, and it means "always" or "continously". Here, it means 曹丕 is always (and continuously) jealous of his 胞弟 (brother) 曹植.

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