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Pleco bug


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I'm running Plecodict on a Treo 680. Almost all the time, when I type in pinyin with 表 selected to show the list of matching characters, pressing on one of the characters in the list - which should bring up the info for the character - just makes the whole list go black with no other effect. But, strangely, this only happens when 字 (which brings up the handwriting recognition panel, is not selected.

Very odd and quite annoying. Anyone else got the same problem?

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By "go black" do you mean that the list actually is filled in in black or does it just turn blank? Have you installed any add-on dictionaries or are you just using the default set? And when you say that 字 is not selected, do you mean that you're using the handwriting recognizer in the main screen (as opposed to a separate screen) but it's currently closed? Have you changed any of the preferences in Navigation or Input from their default settings? (the screenshots of them in the instruction manual are with the defaults selected)

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Hi Mike - thanks for getting on the case.

By "go black" do you mean that the list actually is filled in in black or does it just turn blank?

The list is filled in black, except for a 1.5 character margin on the right hand side, which isn't affected.

Have you installed any add-on dictionaries or are you just using the default set?

Just the default.

And when you say that 字 is not selected, do you mean that you're using the handwriting recognizer in the main screen (as opposed to a separate screen) but it's currently closed?

Yes - that's what I mean.

Have you changed any of the preferences in Navigation or Input from their default settings? (the screenshots of them in the instruction manual are with the defaults selected)

Erm manual, yes, I should look at that sometime :P. In Navigation, I unclicked "clear input on language change" and clicked "left/right buttons move cursor". I didn't change anything in Input.

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Well I am running the EXACT same set-up as you (although I do have additional dictionaries, and a few more customizable options) and have never experienced that. I did have some problems with other stuff (flashcards would cause the palm to restart) but I just uninstalled everything and started from scratch and everything is good...

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I've also reinstalled once - but I think that was to do with choosing the "don't choose this setting" for instant access to try to get it to work with the text message app.

muyongshi - if you post your preferences it might help Mike find the bug...

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Well for starts I have adso and cedict along with my oxfords... oh and the unihan database as well.

Under navigation I have also checked left/right button moves cursor but haven't deselected any of the defaults...

In search I have both single and multi character wildcards set to ? and checked don't switch dictionaries on search but haven't changed much else.

In terms of my main screen for input i always have open the 表 and the 笔 with the 笔 being reduced so you write on the main screen not in the box. Nothing else.

Are you sure when you did the reinstall that you got EVERYTHING off first? and also where is this installed too? memory card I'm assuming... but in that what did you put on your memory card and what did you put on your internal as certain things have to go in the internal and if not it could cause some weird things...

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No progress on this so far - I think it may unfortunately have to end up in the category of problems which are uncommon enough that we'll wait and see if they're still present in 2.0 before trying to fix them.

Thinking about reasons why the text might turn black, though, my best guess is that the font file has somehow gotten corrupted or has become inaccessible, and has done so in such a way that the font rendering system is unaware it's happened and is continuing to draw characters which turn out to be blank. So the first two things I'd suggest are that you try a reinstall, and if that doesn't work, reinstall again but this time do it manually and put the font files in a different location; if you checked the "Install to Card if Present" box in the Automated installer, that would put them on the card, so install them to internal memory this time, or if you didn't check that box in the installer, the fonts would go in internal memory so you'd want to put them on the card when reinstalling.

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