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Schools in Shenzhen and other info


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I'm planning on moving to China from Korea in the fall of 2008. I'm still trying to decide which city to move to and lately I've been giving Shenzhen a lot of thought. I've heard that there is a large Korean population there and that interests me as I've put in a great deal of time and effort learning Korean and I don't want to forget most of it during the course of learning Mandarin.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience in Shenzhen? Can anyone reccomend a language school or university I should look into?

Also, I've heard that the cost of living is a bit higher there than in most other Chinese cities. In what price range would I be looking at for a decent, but not too fancy, apartment in a decent neighborhood?

Thanks a lot for any advice or info you provide. It will be greatly appreciated.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it would seem that we don't have any active posters among us who have studied in Shenzhen.

For the benefit of those seeking info on Shenzhen university, here is their website.

Again, if anyone has any experience living in Shenzhen (whether studying or not), let me know your thoughts.



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There's big surge of the rental price in Shenzhen in recent years, but the price is still far lower than many well-developed cities. In the Futian district which is the home to many middle-class housing, the rent for a 1000 ft apartment is around RMB3000/ month, so you can expect other neighbouring districts should be around the same or even lower.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't logged in for a while hence the belated response to your enquiry. I have lived in Shenzhen both as a teacher and as a student. I studied at Shenzhen University for a semester which was okay. Like most Universities in China, the classes are fairly large, and there are many Koreans in them so that will be good for you. Tuition is very teacher focused which I found frustrating as I wanted to practice speaking in class. This can be easily remedied by finding a Chinese language partner. There is a dormitory for foreign students on campus, and you can rent your own room or share. I rented my own room and it works out at about RMB1700 a month. Rooms aren't that big, but have toilet and shower. The best thing about living on campus is the convenience of being close to class every morning, and being around Chinese students. Every Wednesday night Chinese students congregate outside the foreign dorm for a Chinese corner which enables students to practice their spoken Chinese.You will also hear Korean everywhere in the dorms...it's impossible not to hear them! Alternatively,you'll be able to rent an apartment outside for about 2000-2500 for a nice apartment. You can find cheaper too, and if you are willing to spend a bit more, like in the region of 3000-3500, you'll get something really very nice. Cost of living in Shenzhen is more than other cities in China, although it isn't that expensive. It depends on your lifestyle. You can live very cheaply if you want, especially if you live on campus, and you can also lead a moderate lifestyle if you choose to live outside. I'm guessing RMB5000 a month for accommodation and a nice lifestyle where you eat outside of the university and enjoy some drinks in the bar from time to time. If you want to stay on campus and eat university food most of the time, and not often go out, then you can live comfortable for RMB3000 including accommodation.

I hope I have been of some help. Mail me if you have any more specific questions.

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Thanks a lot ashwell. That was exactly the kind of information I was looking for.

Do you feel that the class was worthwhile? I plan on studying full time for at least a couple years and would like to make the most out of my time. Possibly even go for a BA.

Also, what is the nightlife like there? I looking to tone down my nightly activities a bit once I leave Seoul, but I don't think I can go cold-turkey!

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Shenzhen has some good nightlife, and if you are into asian girls (or boys...I shouldn't make any assumptions here!) then you wont be dissappointed! Shenzhen is a special economic zone, so people have immigrated from all parts of China. It's a bit of a melting pot, so you get some tasty women there from all parts of the country. Shenzhen is a big city and it sprawls from the border of Hong Kong, quite a way up north. There are different areas of the city. The area nearest Hong Kong is called Luohu. This area has some great bars, which are always really packed...especially a place called Face club. I have never been there when it isn't full of people...even weekdays or Sunday nights. The music played in the clubs isn't bad too. Then you have the area nearest Shenzhen University, which is located in the northern part of the city which is called Nanshan. The area with the bars has a bit of an ex pat scene and also has some decent places to drink. This is about a 20 min cab ride from the University. There are also buses which go there but they stop running after about 11. Taxis are relatively cheap though.

Actually, while I think of it, you should go to www.shenzhenparty.com which is a site dedicated to social events in Shenzhen.

I have also lived in Beijing, which also has a large Korean population. This is another place to consider, and it has many more study options...a shit load more in fact! You can check out www.thebeijinger.com which is also a site dedicated to socail events in Beijing, but it is a lot more comprehensive than the Shenzhen site. You can find anything on this site from a place to stay to a shag!!

I am now working as a teacher in Hong Kong. I try and study Chinese when I can, but I don't have nearly enough time. I started a 2 year contract from last Novermeber, but after it is up I am seriously considering going back to University to study Chinese again. I will have a decent amount of money saved up then, so I shall be able to study for the necessary amount of time to get to a decent level.

Right, must get off...it has been a long day!

Just mail me if you need any more info. If you end up in Shenzhen, just get in touch and I'll be happy to take you around.

You can mail me directly.


All the best


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  • 2 months later...

I am a native Chinese speaker living in Futian District, which is very close to Nanshan District.

I work as a copywriter & translator for a living, but I am interested in working as a (part-time) Chinese Tutor for Chinese learners like you, just for making myself better and some easy money if possible. Don’t get the idea that I won’t do anything for you if you don’t pay me, actually I have been a free Chinese tutor for several foreign friends for around one year (we just communicated through internet), and they suggested me to do things like this. They do believe that I can get it done, and if I don’t do it, it’s really a pity, so I want to take a try.

If you have any problems, you can hit me through MSN messenger or email me. I don’t log in here very often. Surely NO CHARGE.

Sorry for my poor English.

MSN messenger: littleknight23@hotmail.com

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