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Would you turn in your teacher who cheated on the University entrance Examination?


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There's a good post on Cheating from Matt Schiavenza

I found that making the writing assignments personal was a fairly good way to deal with some cheating. Preparing for the ielts this worked some, when they are talking about facts about their family that can easily be checked and stories of growing up .

it got me thinking and remembering a situation I was in and how I was unsure how make a stand for honesty but prevent the student from being punished for taking that stand.

I was stumped once when one of my students (I was teaching in a second tier Uni) . Confessed that she on encouragement from her head teacher in school exchanged IDs and took the University entrance exam for a classmate. The classmate used her ID and thus she was only able to get into this second tier Uni. She was thinking of going back to her home town and telling people about the teacher and his methods. But she was caught as she could be kicked out of University without a degree and it would be unlikely that there would be enough evidence against the teacher to cause him to lose his job. What advice would you give her in this situation?

I don't want to bias the answers so will tell you later what I told her.

(I had the students record audio tape weekly diaries, to practice their oral speaking. So this story was passed on to me in confidence.)

What do you think?

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It was her high school teacher. She also suspects that the teacher was paid off by the parents to help arrange for the cheating.

She still has 2 years left of University and if it comes out that she cheated or was involved in cheating on the entrance examination she will be expelled from the Uni.

Some details I neglected to mention.

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What the student should have done is not cheat in the first place, but it's obviously too late for that for her now. But not for her xuedi xuemei. For her own sake, she'd better not tell while still in university, but maybe she could prevent other people from walking into the same trap. She could tell her story to people going to that school, maybe make it appear as something that happened to a good friend of hers, and how that 'friend' was duped into going to a second-tier uni when she could have gone into a first-tier one. Moral of the story: don't cheat on exams.

She could maybe even put it on the internet somewhere, or get it into the media if she can do so anonymously, so that people know about this scam. As I understand the story, the student had to go along with the plan, it could not be passed off behind her back. If other students are forwarned and just refuse to take exams for or lend out their ID to others, and perhaps even tell on teachers who try to make them cheat, the practice will stop, and who knows, the teacher in question might even get punished.

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This is rampant in China and probable else where too. Plagiarism and cheating are not uncommon even at a first tier university in China.

I have heard of students paying people to take their university entrance exams for them (including the IELTS). IELTS had some type of problem here not to long ago with cheating. Even the GRE exam has had to change their format due to cheating in China.

I don't think anyone in China will be surprised by this story. At this point there is probably nothing she can do except post it in a blog.

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The issue becomes more complicated when you realize that she is majoring in English and will likely get a job as an english teacher back in the small town where the teacher is a big shot.

She was at the top school in the town and if she doesn't open her mouth will be offered a job there. Though if she does say something and the blame falls on her (in lack of evidence) then this type of job would be in jepardy.


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