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Subtle difference between 下跌 and 下降


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Both meaning the going down of price,

1) 下跌 sounds more emotional, while 下降 used more matter-of-fact way;

2) 下跌 is motion that is non-intended, uncontrolable or already beyond control, while 下降 is not necesarily so. A 下降 of the price might be the result of the seller's voluntary act.

However, despite the subtle difference, Chinese tend to use them indifferently. So do not be serious on them except in exams.

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If you use a loaded word to describe something but the reader doesnt notice he may be swayed by the journalist's opinion of events. If I use an unloaded word, the onus is on the reader to analyse events and make up his own mind as to whether a given situation is good or bad. in this case 下降 coul mean "plummet" which gives it a loaded meaning and makes it more dramatic but he event itself might not be dramatic or indeed negative. The inattentive reader may believe the drama created, hence the more subtle the difference between word, the more room for "manipulation" for want of a better word...

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You can also use them to describe the drop of temperature.

I don't think that quite WRONG logically, but still, I would be very glad if someone can give me an example where 下跌 was used when talking about temperature in any of following media:

1) People's Daily or any other papers generally accepted as having the same standard in Putonghua;

2) China Central Broadcasting Station or any other broadcasting stations generally accepted as having the same standard in Putonghua;

3) CCTV or any other TV stations generally accepted as having the same standard in Putonghua.

though even "下跌" fits the situation, My arguements 1) and 2) still hold. I didn't say "下降" must be used under the "intended, controllable" situation.

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Ok, that makes a goog one. And is there any example of "下跌" for an object or even people ?

even the exmaple was what the xinhuanet quoted, it is 新闻晨报 that to be responsible for saying so.

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I've found a 2005 academic paper on the temperature over the last 1000 years in China. Press Ctrl+F and you can find 4 下降 and 1 下跌. According to the paper the writers were/are based in Beijing but there is no indication as to where they are originally from. And there is a possibility that the Chinese used in the paper (I haven't really read the paper) is not as standard as that used in venerable media like CCTV, People's Daily etc.

My point remains that you can also use both terms to describe the drop of temperature, not just the drop of prices. And monto didn't think it was wrong logically (although what he/she really said is WRONG). :)

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下跌 = to fall down; plummet

下降 = to descend; go down

both could be used for temperature: One's Ancient and Middle Chinese [Cantonese, etc...], while the other one used in Mandarin is Modern Chinese.

The temperature's going down:

气温下跌 = Cantonese, etc...[spoken mostly in Cantonese, etc...]

气温下降 = Mandarin [written & spoken in Mandarin, but only when written in Cantonese, etc...]

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As far as i understand, temperature is fairly new invention in Chinese. It sounds 100% native to cantonese ears no matter you say "气温下跌" or "气温下降". If there were weather forcast in ancient Canton, the broadcaster possibly said "污烟压顶, 瘴气正浓, 乡里无事勿出门".

But i agree that 下降/ 下跌 sometimes has distinctive difference and can't be reciprocal.

When the action of falling is expected:


When the action of falling is unexpected:


Another example:

"海水蒸发上云层后, 当积聚的水气太重, 会导致雨水下降" (it's expected and predictable)

"他从烟囱掉下来竟然安然无事, 据说是下降时遇上空气阻力." (the action of falling is unexpected)

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When the action of falling is expected:


When the action of falling is unexpected:


Well done! If the plane 下降,you are Ok; if it 下跌,you pray. The same for a lift.

Another example:

"海水蒸发上云层后, 当积聚的水气太重, 会导致雨水下降" (it's expected and predictable)

I think it's good.

"他从烟囱掉下来竟然安然无事, 据说是下降时遇上空气阻力." (the action of falling is unexpected)

I think it is an example where 下降 are not used properly. 下落 should be used here, 下跌 would sound a little bit awkward, but still acceptable.

By the way, this sentence itself is a total nonsense. If the 空气阻力(resistance of the air) would be the true reason for the result, everyone should be safe in such accidents.

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下跌 implicates that you actually don't want it to decline.

下降 implicates no such expectation.

温度下跌 is not common. But I think it is appropriate for some special occasion. In the movie "the day after tomorrow", you can describe it as 下跌 if the temperature declines further.


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"他从烟囱掉下来竟然安然无事, 据说是下降时遇上空气阻力." (the action of falling is unexpected)

By the way, this sentence itself is a total nonsense. If the 空气阻力(resistance of the air) would be the true reason for the result, everyone should be safe in such accidents


it's just a story from 阳光灿烂的日子, one of the most famous Chinese movie in early 90s. 厚甸甸的煤灰和下降时的空气阻力, 令他大难不死.

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  • 2 weeks later...


下跌: (价格,水位等)下降:近几天,美元比价再度下跌 | 股市下跌

下降:1)从高处往低处下落:飞机开始下降 2)温度,物价等由高趋低,

从多到少: 温度逐步下降 | 生产成本逐年下降 | 售价下降了很多


Decreasing amount of trade resulted in falling share prices.

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