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Translation for various words.


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I want to explain the following to some people:

''One evening a fearful tempest arose, it thundered and lightened, and the rain poured down from the sky in torrents."

I would like the Chinese equivalent for this word. I got 激流 from my dictionary and it seems plausible.

The thing is I would like a translation which takes into consideration that the torrents are coming from the sky.

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What would be the best Chinese expression for:

"I scarcely closed my eyes all night."

寡薄? 少有?

I would go for 寡薄 but I'm not sure.

Neither is ok. 寡薄 is not to be used in such a context. Consider "我徹夜難眠“, or "我輾轉反側,難以入睡", or “我差不多都沒有睡過", or "我整晚都睡不着", or "我睡得很少", etc.

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''One evening a fearful tempest arose, it thundered and lightened, and the rain poured down from the sky in torrents."


How would you say ''suspense'' in Chinese?

It may be 悬念, 悬疑 or 牵挂 depending on the context.

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SeekerOfPeace,you are talking about “Princess and the Pea豌豆公主”, right? Hehe.

"With the rain and all, she was in a sad condition."


"Upon this bed the Princess was to pass the night."

就在这张床上,公主要睡过一夜。/ 公主要在这张床上过夜。


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"Ok, I will go with 我睡得很少 for "I scarcely closed my eyes all night.""

IMHO each of these two sentences express a few ideas on their own, and a couple might match but other than that they're hardly similar.

OK. How about this->我几乎一夜不曾合眼。


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