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Studying the Chinese culture & economy


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Hello all,

I decided to study in Xiamen, but I'm still not really sure since i'm awaiting some answers from the Xiamen univesity. Basically what I want is this: study the culture and economy of China and the language, but not just the language!! That's really important me, not just studying the language. I think I will go crazy studying 20hours a week just the Chinese language.

For example a program like this:


But; It's only for big groups, so not for me.

Or this:http://oec.xmu.edu.cn/oecen/website.aspx?language=en&website_id=51

But: I think this is taught in Chinese.. and I can't speak chinese really! Or do you guys know this is taught in English? :oops:

Someone please help me! I'm also thinking of hiring chinaeducenter.com, hope they can help me! Any advise is welcome, and I would like to know what it's like studying 20hours a week Chinese..And about the possibilities of studying such a program in China!!

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From another post of yours I'm guessing you are Dutch; have you considered studying Chinese Language and Culture in Leiden? They teach exactly what you want to study: both language and culture (and politics, economy, etc). The department has exchange programs with more and more Chinese universities, so you can still go to China, but armed with some knowledge of Chinese.

Website van de opleiding.

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Hi Lu,

Ja, ik ben Nederlands! But I'm already studying in The Hague and I want to finish that first and after that I'm seriously thinking about going to study in Leiden. But I decided to just go and study the language in probably Xiamen and from there I'll see which optional courses I can follow. Unless somebody comes up with the perfect program ofcourse :D

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