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Beijing Mandarin Summer Course 2008


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Hey - has any one ever studied Mandarin in China over summer? Im curious about how productive a few months of intenstive immersion and study will be? And id like to hear from people who have spent a summer study holiday in China learning Mandarin...

In addition, ill be in Beijing during the Olympics, and im beginning to think it was a bad idea to go to study during the Olympics. On the other hand it might add to the whole experience, im unsure =[. Im really worried about this,,,

Is anyone going this summer to learn Mandarin?

I will be studying in Haidian, Beijing for 6-8 weeks, studing 30 hours a week. Before i go im having 8 two hour lessons, just to develop an ear for the language, so ill be more receptive to learn. =].

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Hi g1izmo! I'm having exactly the same thought, at first I thought it'll be awesome to study Mandarin in Beijing when the Olympics is on but I now realise things are pretty chaotic and expensive during this period! But I still think it would be an unreal experience!! I've applied for the 5-week course in Beijing at BLCU, staying at the dorms, have you sorted out your accommodation and are you going to BLCU?

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Hey, yeah... I think the whole Olympic theme will just add to the entire experience... Beijing is the place to be this summer!!

Ive sorted my accomodation out... ill be staying in student apartments in haidian, ill have my own private room but a shared kitchen and common room. The apartments are 10-15 mins walk away from class... Im going with Apple Languages... they pretty much sorted everything out for me, I just sent them the payment by debit card and brought my flight ticket (which almost cost as much as 4 weeks accomodation + tuition in Beijing!).. Anyway I decided not to go with BLCU mainly because the admissions procedure seemed quite drawn out and the class sizes are 15+... Apple class sizes are around 8 people. Although I guess BLCU will offer a more genuine 'student-life-like-experience' but still, I plan on attending BLCU next year after i graduate, on a long term program. :mrgreen:

Ive started learning Mandarin and im loving it... I land in Beijing Aug.03, 2008 and I cant wait! Get away from the British summer!

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Contrary to many people, I think a Summer course this year (2008) in Beijing will be great. Usually the summers in Beijing are very hot, and much too polluted. However, as China wants the sky to look nice and blue on the Olympics TV coverage and also wants to avoid Western athletes running with oxygen masks, the weather this Summer should be lovely. Hot, dry, and perfectly clear.

Assuming you've got your accommodation sorted out, I think the prices (flight aside) will be fine. Do be prepared than 30 hours a week is pretty intensive. Also be prepared that many Summer students are there for a laugh (i.e. a funded holiday) rather than serious study, so make sure you set your own pace.

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Cheerz adrian, ill bare that ^^ in mind.... i will pace myself and gain as much from the experience as i can. I dont expect to learn so much but i will be happy to pick up the basics and develop an ear for the language, and also to improve my accent (obviously)... I plan to really nail Mandarin chinese next year after i graduate, when i move to Beijing BLCU for atleast 12 weeks (20 hrs week-1).

Cant wait until i go!

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