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Becoming a Chinese Citizen, nationality issues.


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Theoretically yes, but you're more likely to end up with some kind of visa, perhaps the annual L visa. There is a D visa for permanent residence but you need to be married for five years to get that and the semi-mythical five year 'green card' (any of us got one of those yet?) but I think all the married foreigners I know are on annual L visas, or employer / university sponsored Z's and X's. Practically speaking, I've never heard of it happening - yes, people trot out examples like Sidney Shapiro, but in the last decade? Without joining the Party?

Will merge this with the existing citizenship discussion.

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Good luck. My impression is that although the law for taking Chinese citizenship is in place, the actual knowledge on how to handle it at a local level, plus the 'market demand' if you like, just don't exist. Theoretically I guess you can apply now, although I doubt you'd be taken seriously.

I'm going to move these posts again, as this topic seems more about Hong Kong residency and Chinese citizenship - not sure where I'm moving them to yet, but I'm sure you'll find 'em . . .

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Good luck. My impression is that although the law for taking Chinese citizenship is in place, the actual knowledge on how to handle it at a local level, plus the 'market demand' if you like, just don't exist. Theoretically I guess you can apply now, although I doubt you'd be taken seriously.

Perhaps the demand will change after China establishes it's universal healthcare system (assuming that becomes a reality).

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