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Chinese novels


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Hi. I recently read Chronicles of a blood merchant and I'm looking for similar narrative texts writen in Mandarin Chinese.

What I'm looking for exactly is texts written in Chinese that deal with the way China has changed after Deng Xiao Ping and the economic reforms. Recent fiction texts, that deal with important social issues, such as pollution, unemployment, westernization, AIDS, poverty, etc.

I want to find authors and texts that deal with these issues because I have a college assigment of translating form chinese. Now, from what little I`ve read, a lot of Chinese authors are either writing in English (which is absolutly useless for my assigment), or writing superficial, sex-concerned literature (such as Shanghai Baby, no offense meant).

I need to find a text that could only have been written in China, that portrays recent social issues, that is interesting and also acceptably well written.

Also, it would be terribly helpful if this text HADN'T been transated to Spanish, which is my mother tongue and to which I will be translating the text.

Any suggestions will be gladly welcome, thank you so much for the help.:D

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What I'm looking for exactly is texts written in Chinese that deal with the way China has changed after Deng Xiao Ping and the economic reforms. Recent fiction texts, that deal with important social issues, such as pollution, unemployment, westernization, AIDS, poverty, etc.

Would you be interested in non-fiction work that deal with the above?

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Doesn't 兄弟 by 余華 deal with some of these subjects? I haven't read it myself.

尹麗川 wrote a book called Jianren (I forgot which jian that was, but she only wrote one novel, so shouldn't be too hard to find), which deals with big city life for people who can't quite keep up with it. So not as dramatic as you're looking for, but still in that direction.

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