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Hot words on China’s earthquake 中国地震词汇


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地震 dìzhèn, earthquake

余震 yúzhèn,aftershock

山体滑坡 shāntǐ huápō, hillslide

泥石流 níshíliú, mudslide

死伤 sǐshāng, casualty

死亡人数 sǐwáng rénshù, death toll

地震灾区 dìzhèn zāiqū, quake-hit region

救援物资 jiùyuán wùzī, relief aid materials

生命探测仪 shēngmìng tàncèyí, life-detection equipment

战地医院 zhàndì yīyuàn, mobile hospital

帐篷 zhàngpéng,tent

药品 yàopǐn, medicine

食品 shípǐn, food

饮用水 yǐnyòng shuǐ, drinking water

卫生防疫 wèishēng fángyì, anti-epidemic measures

慈善捐款 císhàn juānkuǎn, charitable donations

捐助 juānzhù, contributions

献血 xiànxuè, blood donation

救援队 jiùyuán duì, rescue teams (workers /troops)

解放军 jiěfàngjūn, People’s Liberation Army (PLA)

人民子弟兵 rénmín zǐdìbīng, People’s brother-like soldiers

红十字会 hóng shízì huì, Red Cross

医生 yīshēng, doctor

自愿者 zìyuàn zhě, volunteer

新闻记者 xīnwén jìzhě, journalist

灾民 zāimín, disaster victims

幸存者 xìngcún zhě, survivor

降半旗 jiàng bànqí, National flag flies at half-mast.

赈灾义演 zhènzāi yìyǎn, “earthquake relief” concert

重建家园 chóngjiàn jiāyuán, to rebuild hometowns

以人为本 yǐrén wéiběn, people-oriented

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great list but not sure what 'people-oriented' means. Can you give an example of where 以人为本 would be used.

Also, in English a casualty is anyone that is injured or killed in an accident but I assume that 死伤 refers specifically to someone that's killed right?

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Also, in English a casualty is anyone that is injured or killed in an accident but I assume that 死伤 refers specifically to someone that's killed right?

伤 in 死伤 means injure /injured / injury.

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Can you give an example of where 以人为本 would be used.
Usually used when politicians describe their plans for the future. Very hard to translate, 'people-oriented' is as good a translation as any. Essentially it's a rather meaningless term: people-oriented, as opposed to what, animal-oriented? power-oriented?

Jenny, good list, thanks.

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以人为本 is a policy , which means people concerned

i don't know people-oriented either, sorry for that

It means to put the public's interest first, instead of the government officials' (当官的) interest first.

A related word is "人性", which can be translated as "humanistic". It's often used to refer to buildings or layout of places. A place that's 人性 that's designed very much with its users in mind, instead of the officials or managers who are only there at its grand opening, to claim as part of their political achievement (政绩) or the like.

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以人为本 is a policy ' date=' which means people concerned

i don't know people-oriented either, sorry for that [/quote']

It means to put the public's interest first, instead of the government officials' (当官的) interest first.

As what is said in Mencius: 民為貴,社稷次之, 君為輕。Translation -

60 Mencius said, 'The people are the most important element in a nation; the spirits of the land and grain are the next; the sovereign is the lightest."
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Here are the words that I hear every day in the affected areas in Sichuan now, and they become everyday vocab for everyone.

if you're there too, be sure to understand the warning message in Chinese.

塌方 - rock slide / rock fall

塌下 - (something ) is falling.

山崩 - slump / slide

缺堤 - dam was broken

疏散 - evacuate

洪水 - flooding

走呀! - run! go go go !

快走! - hurry up , run quickly!

防疫 / 防感染 - anti - infection

消毒 - disinfection

灯柱 - Lamp poles (e.g. lamp poles are shaking, 灯柱在摇-- very common in affected areas.)

污染 / 发臭 - polluted (.e.g. don't drink the water, it's polluted. 别喝这些水, 它们被污染发臭)

尸臭 - smell from corpses

腐烂 - perish

重伤- serious injure

轻伤 - slight injure

被困 - being trapped

缺水 - lack of water

缺粮 - lack of food

停电 - out of electricity

干粮 - dried food

空投 - abbrev 空投物资. Air-drop materials (usually refers to food / water)

物资车 - trucks to deliver materials

路面管制 - traffic restriction.

卫星电话 - satellite phone

搜索人员 / 搜救队 / 拯救人员 - rescuers

孤儿 - orphans

灾民 - victims

保通 - abbre "保持畅通", to make the road smooth.

堰塞湖 - Landslide dam (this word was uncommon to most people before the earthquake)

Popular slogans you can hear in Sichuan now:

"我们在一起" (We're all together )

"一方有难, 八方支援" (literally: One area in danger, people in eight areas come to help )

( 錯別字更正, Thanks skylee!)

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