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The function of poetry in the classic Chinese novel

Sam Addington

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I recently picked up 儒林外史and thought I'd give it another stab. The first thing I read is a poem:









I propose the following translation:

Many are the roads man has to travel

Soldiers and saints -- all are men

Generations pass from life to death

Morning fades into night

The winds of war blow down the mighty oak

Leaving no evidence of greatness

You exhaust the heart and spirit

Only to be exposed to shame

Three cups of muddied wine

Enough to render you drunk

Water flows, the flowers fade

Who knows where it all leads

Does this poem pretty well summarize the theme of 儒林外史?

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Many are the roads man has to travel

So many misleading forked roads a man will face in his life time


Soldiers and saints -- all are men

High ranked officials and gods—all are mortals


Generations pass from life to death

Morning fades into night

The rise and fall of dynasties

keeps changing alternatively day after night


The winds of war blow down the mighty oak

The river winds blow down the tree grew in the previous dynasty



Leaving no evidence of greatness

Leaving no evidence of honor and rich

(Note: According to Sam Addington’s suggestion in #3 post, I mature the line as “Leaving no evidence of fame and glory”.)


You exhaust the heart and spirit

Only to be exposed to shame

Exhaust the heart and spirit

Only to find missing all prime time.


Three cups of muddied wine

Enough to render you drunk

Just get drunk by three cups of muddied wine


Water flows, the flowers fade

Who knows where it all leads

Water flows, flowers fade,

Only God controls the web of life!

Does this poem pretty well summarize the theme of 儒林外史?

Hehe. (只苦笑而不语。)


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As I continued reading this morning, I realized I may have misinterpreted


I think this may be better translated "Fame & glory (honor & riches) cannot be substantiated." In other words fame & glory are just illusions. This is backed up by the first lines of the text which follows the poem:


This poem is an old pearl often discussed. Not only are fame and riches external objects, but men will kill themselves in an effort to attain them. Once attained, they leave the taste of wax in the mouth.

I think it is safe to say that the text has highly Buddhist overtones, right?

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I think this may be better translated "Fame & glory (honor & riches) cannot be substantiated." In other words fame & glory are just illusions.

Agree! Hehe. (轻轻一笑,点头不语,心中甚服。)I have added an note in 2# post.

This poem is an old pearl often discussed. Not only are fame and riches external objects, but men will kill themselves in an effort to attain them. Once attained, they leave the taste of wax in the mouth.

Hehe. How about take a look at this? ->



I think it is safe to say that the text has highly Buddhist overtones, right?
I smell more 道学 than 佛学。

Perhaps monto means that the poem expresses some sense of “inaction无为” and “seclusion避世”, especially in “费尽心情总把流光误” ,“浊酒三杯沉醉去”, “水流花榭知何处”. I think you take the text has highly Buddhist overtones, because you fell the sense of “impermanence无常” (or the uncertainty of like) in the poem, like, “百代兴亡朝复暮”, “江风吹倒前朝树”, “功名富贵无凭据”.



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