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Computer terminology in Chinese


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Here's my list of computer terms I made. Someone may need it. If you have other interesting and useful words/expressions related to computer, internet, forums, chats, etc., please add.

程序设计[--設計] chéngxù shèjì n./v. 〈comp.〉 programming

计算机程序[計-機--] jìsuànjī chéngxù n. computer program

程序员[--員] chéngxùyuán n. 〈comp.〉 programmer M:wèi

计划/画[計劃/畫] jìhuà* n./v. plan; project; program

编程序[編--] biān chéngxù v.o. 〈comp.〉 write a program

数据[數據] ¹shùjù* n. data | Wǒ ¹fùzé zhěnglǐ zhèxiē ∼. I'm in charge of processing the data.

分析 fēnxi* v. ①analyze | Dǒngshìhuì měi yuè yī cì ∼ xíngshì. The board of directors scrutinizes the situation once every month. ②parse ◆n. parsing; analysis

数据库[數據庫] shùjùkù p.w. database

资料库[資-庫] zīliàokù p.w. database/bank storage room for files/documents M:zuò

资料基[資--] zīliàojī n. database

程式 ²chéngshì n. ①form; pattern; formula ②〈comp.〉 program

搜索 sōusuǒ v. search/hunt for; scout around

商业智能[-業--] shāngyè zhìnéng n. business intelligence

线上分析处理[線---處-] xiànshàng fēnxī chùlǐ n. OLAP (OnLine Analytical Processing)

数据仓库[數據倉庫] shùjù cāngkù n. data warehouse

用户名[-戶-] yònghùmíng n. user name

密码[-碼] mìmǎ n. cipher/secret code; password

注册[註冊] zhùcè v.o. register

会员[會員] ¹huìyuán* n. member M:ge/¹ming/²wèi

帐号[帳號] zhànghào n. account number (of a bank/etc.)

简历[簡歷] ¹jiǎnlì n. biographical notes; curriculum vitae; résumé M:¹fèn/¹zhāng

订/定阅[訂/-閱] dìngyuè v. subscribe (to publication)

电子邮件[電-郵-] diànzǐ yóujiàn n. e-mail M:¹fèn

电邮[電郵] diànyóu n. email

电邮位置[電郵--] diànyóu wèizhì n. email address

邮件[郵-] yóujiàn* n. postal items; post; mail M:ge/²jiàn

搜索 sōusuǒ v. search/hunt for; scout around

博客 bókè n. blog

个人电脑[個-電腦] gèrén diànnǎo n. personal computer (PC)

键盘[鍵盤] jiànpán* n. 〈comp.〉 keyboard

打印机[--機] dǎyìnjī n. ①printer ②marking machine M:¹tái/¹jià

硬件 yìngjiàn n. 〈comp./PRC〉 hardware

软件[軟-] ruǎnjiàn* n. ①〈comp.〉 software

服务器[-務-] fúwùqì n. server

无线路由器[無線---] wúxiàn lùyóuqì n. wireless router

字体[-體] ¹zìtǐ n. ①typeface; font ②style of calligraphy ③character; graph; script; word sign

文件 ¹wénjiàn* n. documents; file

编程语言[編-語-] biānchéng yǔyán n. programming language

电脑词汇[電腦詞匯] diànnǎocíhuì n. computer term

来源[來-] ¹láiyuán n. source; origin

谷歌 Gǔgē n. Google

添加附件 tiānjiā fùjiàn v.o. add an attachment (to an email)

附件 ¹fùjiàn n. ①appendix; annex ②enclosure ③〈mach.〉 accessories; attachment

添加 tiānjiā* v. add; increase

保存 bǎocún v./n. preserve; conserve, save; keep

信息 xìnxī* n. information; news; message

网络[網絡] wǎngluò n. 〈PRC〉 network M:¹zhāng

存储[-儲] cúnchǔ* 〈comp.〉 n. memory; storage ◆v. ①save ②hoard; store up; stockpile

删除[刪-] ¹shānchú* v. delete; leave out

点击[點擊] ²diǎnjī v. 〈comp.〉 press; hit; strike (on the keyboard)

鼠标[-標] shǔbiāo* n. 〈comp./PRC〉 mouse

收件人 shōujiànrén n. addressee; consignee

帐户[帳戶] zhànghù n. (business/bank/email) account | Wǒ qù yínháng kāi ge ∼. I'll go and open a bank account.

网络浏览器[網絡瀏覽-] wǎngluò liúlǎnqì n. 〈comp.〉 browser


Zhuànxiě xīn yóujiàn Compose a new email

撰写[-寫] zhuànxiě* v. write; compose

显示[顯-] ¹xiǎnshì* v./n. show; display; demonstrate; manifest

选项[選項] xuǎnxiàng n. 〈comp.〉 option

网页[網頁] wǎngyè* n. 〈comp.〉 web page M:¹zhāng

网站[網-] wǎngzhàn p.w. 〈comp.〉 website

网域[網-] wǎngyù n. domain

源代码[--碼] yuándàimǎ n. source code

正则表达式[-則-達-] zhèngzé biǎodáshì n. regular expression

字符串 zìfúchuàn n. 〈lg.〉 alphabetic string; character string

匹配 pǐpèi v. 〈wr.〉 ①mate; marry ②match ◆n. 〈elec.〉 matching

目录[-錄] mùlù* n. ①catalogue; list ②table of contents ③〈comp.〉 directory M:¹bén/⁴cè/ge

代码[-碼] dàimǎ n. code

字符 ¹zìfú n. ①word-symbol ②〈comp.〉 character

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What's the difference in usage between 电脑diànnǎo (electric brain) and 计算机 jìsuànjī (calculate calculate machine)? As far as I can see, jìsuànjī is used in more technical contexts like 计算机 程序员 jìsuànjī chéngxùyuán (computer programmer) whereas diànnǎo is for more everyday uses like 个人电脑 gèréndiànnǎo (personal computer).

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Pretty much. 计算机 is more formal and used in more technical contexts.

Also @OP, have you seen all of those words in real-world usage? Most look fine, but I've never once seen anything other than 数据库 used for DB (in mainland China).

A few more:

邮箱 email address, e.g. 你的邮箱是多少 what's your email address?

扫描器 scanner

双击 double click

路由器 router

交换机 switch

网线 network cable

以太(网) Ethernet

网络 network

互联网 internet or Internet

因特网 Internet

物联网 IoT

全联网 IoE

车联网 IoV

开发 to develop

研发 R&D

变数 variable

宏 macro

域 or 字段 field

字符 character

显示器 monitor

摄像头 webcam

台式电脑 desktop computer

笔记本(电脑) laptop

平板电脑 or simply "pad" - tablet computer

APP (ei pee pee) - app

接口 interface

端口 port

高清 HD

高清线 HDMI cable

像素 pixel

分辨率 resolution

屏幕 screen

触摸屏(幕) touchscreen

算法 algorithm

搜索殷勤 search engine

人肉搜索 human flesh search engine (loosely-defined online vigilante group in a similar vein to Anonymous)

黑体(字) bold

斜体(字) italic

空格 space

光标 cursor

链接 link

超链接 hyperlink

连接 to connect

线上 online

线下 offline

下载 download

加载 load

安装 install

卸载 uninstall

上传 upload

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