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Record of Good Conduct from time in China


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I taught English in the Shandong Province from 2000-2001 and now I need a little help. I was hoping there might be someone here who could help me.

I need a letter of "no record" or "good conduct" from my time spent in China. I'm told I only have to go to a public security bureau to get this, but I'm in America. I've also been told by the party requesting this that the Chinese consulate in the US will help me, but they have refused to give me any assistance at all.

I'm not in contact with anyone I taught or taught with in China anymore so I can't get any help there.

I need this to be able to immigrate to Canada to be with my spouse.

If anyone can help me at all, either by getting me more details as to how I can get it here or maybe assisting by going to the office to apply for the letter, I would be much appreciative. I am obviously more than willing to pay for the fees for it and I would be happy to compensate you for your time.



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I've also been told by the party requesting this that the Chinese consulate in the US will help me
I wonder if this poster ever received his certificate...

I'm a bit surprised, as usually government agencies all over the world have their own ways of screening, under bilateral agreements, e.g. Interpol.

Which is probably why the Chinese consulate refuses to help: they didn't receive an official request from the demanding party.

I guess some lousy bureaucracy is causing problems. Personally I had only once to take care of it myself: 20 years ago, and I did have an official request from the demanding party. Nowadays, they usually do it themselves, as current technology provides almost instant ways of access. It also helps against forgery and bribing.

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From what I understand, the only official request is supposed to be me asking the consulate. That's how it's gone for some other folks I've talked to who have had to get this from other countries.

Do you think contacting the Chinese embassy in DC would help? I'm pretty close to DC and could even make the trip in to see them.

I've even got the address of what would be my "local" office in Shandong, I just need to know who or what to send the letter to and what information they need as well as the fee.

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I can only suggest you ask the requesting party to provide an official documented request, which you can then present at any Chinese embassy/consulate.

I honestly doubt you'll get any further without an official documented request. Nowadays, privacy laws makes people scary to provide personal information just like that.

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Privacy laws? In China?

Actually, they have them ... they're just no so good at implementing them. :mrgreen:

However, you can be sure that Chinese consulates and embassies all over the world are very careful about the privacy laws in their host country. Rightfully so.

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It is no use to sit and complaining the bureaucracy. Actually it has nothing to do with that. The consulate may do some fovor, but they don't have such obligations.

I don't have experience in such thing, but I had once some papers notarized and sent abroad. It is you who to run up and down to finish it.

As I feel, given that you could not come over here yourself, then

I. First you need to find an entrustee in China (better just in the City). The entrustee may be 1) a friend of yours, or a friend's friend of yours; or 2) some commercial service who doing such biz (but I am not sure if there is any there). And

II. You prepare

1) Letter of Request --- Introduce yourself, describe in your situation concerned and put forward your request;

2) Letter of Entrustment ----- Authorize/entrust the entrustee you have found to do the thing on behalf of you;

3) Information and evidence ------ The name,address and any other informatio of the school you taught English as much as possible. Also may be some photos you'd taken there, names of anyone there etc..All these things, I think may be helpful, because people there, after so many years, have difficulty in remenbering you.

4) The draft of "Record of Good Conduct from time in China" you want( the Chinese translation may be made by your entrustee).

III. With these, the Entrustee can go to the school, first help people there recognize you and admit that you did work there for some time;

Then, ask them to give a 证明信 (Letter of Certification). With this 证明信 your entrustee can go to the local public security bureau.

If the school is public one, the 证明信 should work. It is better if the bureau could issue the Record of Good Conduct directly in English.

If not, your entrustee have to have it translated and notarize brfore sending to you.

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