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Can someone please translate the following into French, thank you: (Merci, that's the only French I know)

most updated version of the letter:

The Earthquake in China has claims many lives and left many permanent disabled. My heart especially goes to innocent Children. Some children lost their parents, and some needs to get amputate. I truly belief those Children did not commit any crime and what happen to them is not Karma.

Sharon Stone speech regarding Earthquake karma is heartbreaking. As heartbreaking as I seeing those helpless children in the earthquake.I understand everyone make mistake. I think people will consider a sincere apology.

If Sharon Stone can stand in front of the camera to apologize; this is the way to show she is sincere. If Sharon Stone apologize in front of the camera to the victums of the earthquake, then she may be deserve to be forgiven.

It's not about race, not about any country and government. To any country, earthquake is not Karma.


I want to write a "paper" letter to Dior. The translation will be my content. So don't worry.

I think paper letter is more formal than email. Also, I don't know the email of Dior.

I am not trying to demonize anyone. Everyone make mistake, but if they sincerely apologize, there is a worth of consideration. She made her speech regarding Earthquake Karma in front of the camera. She should also apologize to the victums of the Earthquake, in front of the camera too, to show that she sincerely apologize.

Of course, no one can push anyone to do anything. I am just helping her and suggesting that apologize in front of the camera is a better and more efficient way.

(Older version of the letter) Sharon Stone should stand in front of the camera to apologize. Just like how she made the karma speech in front of the camera.Earthquake is not Karma. Kids losing both parents is not karma. Kids needs amputation is not Karma. Tourist in the earthquake is not Karma too.

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While I know some French, I'd rather not be participating in the uproar this is creating. I think, as many things recently, this is getting blown way out of proportion (see also this blog post on the TIME China blog).

I was quite surprised when I saw the video of what she actually said after having read the first news reports, as that paints a very different picture. She is not as absolute as the media reports her to be (she said she was wondering whether it was karma), and says that she already learnt of a better way to react to this from her Tibetan friends. Of course, it's still a stupid thing to say, but I don't think it deserves the attention it is currently getting.

I think we all need to get our priorities straight; demonizing Sharon Stone, or pushing her to apologize, is in no way going to help the people in Sichuan.

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Who cares what Sharon Stone thinks these days? :wink: Anyway her comments were not appropriate in this particular situation but what's wrong with Karma? As far as I know it's just a concept used by a few religions to describe how the things work in this world.If you don't follow one of those religions, then this concept doesn't exist for you and you shouldn't bother yourself about it but if you follow one of those religions then everything is related to Karma. I think that it's time that the Chinese don't get so sensitive to whatever a Laowai says. Maybe you should change the text a little bit.

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Floatingmoon, my French is not good enough to be of any assistance, but since Dior is a huge international company, I think you can safely assume they know English there, so you could consider just sending the English version.

You might want to elaborate a bit though, the version you have now looks more like yelling at someone than like a polite letter asking a company to apologize. Perhaps you could state how you were very upset when you saw Sharon Stone make those remarks, why exactly you were upset, and that it would be a good idea if Stone apologized to the victims of the earthquake. In my view it's better to be polite than to yell at someone, people tend to take you more seriously if you are polite, and dismiss whatever you say if you are yelling.

(I do agree that people are perhaps overreacting to this, but at the same time I do think suggesting that the earthquake was karma is a rather terrible thing to say, and if someone wants to give some vent to their feelings on that statement I don't object to that.)

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Thank you. I value your comment about my letter.

The Earthquake in China has claims many lives and left many permanent disabled. My heart especially goes to innocent Children. Some children lost their parents, and some needs to get amputate. I truly belief those Children did not commit any crime and what happen to them is not Karma.

Sharon Stone speech regarding Earthquake karma is heartbreaking. As heartbreaking as I seeing those helpless children in the earthquake. I understand everyone make mistake. I think people will consider a sincere apology.

If Sharon Stone can stand in front of the camera to apologize; this is the way to show she is sincere. I think she deserve to be forgiven.

It's not about race, not about any country and government. To any country, earthquake is not Karma.

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Anyway her comments were not appropriate in this particular situation

I think her comments were very good and I can 100% support it. The message I got from it was: You should support Chinas disaster help no matter what.

I wonder who can not agree with that?

BTW, many Chinese I talk to said (well before the Stone speech) that 2008 seems to be a bad Karma year for China, snow, riots, flamegate, quakes...

I think the uproar comes from the fact that most Chinese have a rather poor understanding of English and are easy to fall for hate mongering, specially against everything foreign. So don't support that.

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Carrefour is French! If it weren't for all the tasty things inside, I'm sure there'd be another boycott by now. But without French, how would the nouveau riche describe themselves?

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The new version is much better, in my opinion. Do you want comments on the English? It's perfectly understandable as it is, but let me know if you want corrections on the small things.

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Dior has already pulled Sharon Stone from all advertising in China.

I'm not sure if this will apply to advertisements with Sharon Stone worldwide, but I think that China is a very important market for them.

And I agree with gougou, she didn't exactly phrase it that way, it got twisted by the media a bit, but it was still a very stupid thing to say.

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Here you are.

But should we really care about what those movie-stars, singers, whatever, think?

Le tremblement de terre en Chine a fait de nombreuses victimes et a, également, laissé beaucoup de personnes handicapées à vie. Je pense tout particulièrement aux enfants : certains ont perdu leurs parents, certains doivent être amputés. Je suis convaincu que ces enfants n'ont commis aucun crime et que ce qui leur arrivé n'a rien à voir avec le karma.

Les propos de Sharon Stone sur le tremblement de terre et le karma sont proprement bouleversants. Tout aussi bouleversants que le sort de ces enfants. Je suis conscient que tout le monde peut faire des erreurs et pense que des excuses sincères seraient les bienvenues.

Des excuses publiques de sa part prouveraient la sincérité de Sharon Stone. J'estime qu'elle mérite d'être pardonnée.

Ce n'est pas une question de race, de pays ou de gouvernement. Un tremblement de terre n'a rien à voir avec le karma, quel que soit le pays.

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