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Obtaining a JW101 or JW202


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Only government schools and maybe a handful of private schools can issue those in order for students to get X visas. Previously an invitation letter would usually get you an F visa, but it seems those days may be on hold for the Olympics.

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May i know for what purpose are u coming 2 China?

If you're planning to study, in which university will u study? :roll:

Based on my experience,

after i sent all documents that the university asks, they sent me the admission notice letter, and the 'visa application for study in China' (JW 202) form.

On the admission notice letter it is stated clearly that i have to apply for an F visa by using the visa application form.

So i think u'd better call the university and tell them that u haven't received the visa application form. It is better to contact the university by phone instead of email.

Because when i tried to book a room in the dormitory by email, they didn't reply to me at all. But when i called them, they kindly help me. :wink:

Don't worry ok?

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My problem is I am older, I am not a regular student going to a university. I have applied to private schools because I am only interested in taking language lessons.

I would like to go to a private school long term and learn the language, but according to all of the other threads that is no longer possible? :cry:

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I'm probably "older" too, but I went to BNU anyway ;)

As for only interested in language lessons ... that's mainly all the Universities teach foreigners anyway. Or did you mean you only wanted to learn the spoken language, or just wanted the freedom of private tuition?

One way could be to pay the application fee at a "proper" school, apply for a semester-long course, get the JW202, and then never turn up. I'm not sure how smart the system is to marry the JW202 with the visa (the latter being scanned, I assume, when you eventually leave China).

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I posted this question in another thread but I did not receive an answer.

I have done a search for government universities but I did not find anything, only accredited and the like.

I have also done a search on the interent, but did not find my answer.

I am running into the same trouble as some others in another thread about not getting any response from phone or email, so I want to be sure I am at least focusing my efforts on a school that can issue a JW101 or JW202.

I will come over to study in a private school on a tourist visa because I was at least able to get a response from them, but so far zero response in over three weeks from over a dozen "regular" universities.

Does anyone know if there is a list of government schools you know are capable of issuing JW101s and JW202s?

I assume this information might be helpful to many of us applying...

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I posted this question in another thread but I did not receive an answer.

Perhaps you could wait longer than 12 hours. Merging.

Not sure if there's one complete list anywhere, and you're not telling us where you want to study which doesn't make it any easier. Partial lists are easy to find on Google - here's one. Best thing to do is decide where you want to study and look for universities in that city.

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but so far zero response in over three weeks from over a dozen "regular" universities.
How were you contacting these universities? If by email, don't expect any sort of real response. Try calling them and see what they say.
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I call them and I have gotten the exact same response every time., they say call back.

I can tell whoever is answering the phone just doesn't know english, but I wish they at least had a certain time to call when someone who spoke english was available. Just a few simple words like "Call 2 pm".

I have also tried Roddy's suggestion of faxing, but both universities I am trying to apply for, when I call the fax number I get the same recording as their regular phone number. Can't fax with a recording hooked up.

One university I applied for on their application drop down menu for what dates I wanted to study stopped at 2005. I guess it has been a while since they updated their site.

It has gotten to the point where I am just express mailing applications with cash in them and a note asking to please fax back the necessary paperwork so I can apply for visa.

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Assuming it's Beijing (you've still not said), the main places sucha s BLCU, BNU, Tsnghua, Beida will all offer JW202 forms.

They probably won't respond to emails, or a fax, and unless you grab an english peaking administrator, they probably won't return phone calls either. Despite the fact they've been teaching foreigners Mandarin for quite a few years, they still don't fully grasp the "indepenent" nature of it all and can't work out why you don't just arrive with 1000 other students on an exchange from SOAS or something.

The Chinese travel en-masse so why don't you foreigners? :)

Anyway, the solution is to find web pages for all these Universities and work out when the semester/term starts, when the application deadlines are, and follow the procedures. This worked for me at BNU.

Once you narrow down which university you'd like to go to, if the application procedure isn't clear (which it probably won't be!) then come back here and ask ;)

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Thanks for the reply Adrian,

As many of us as there are trying to attend school we probably should get together and make it an easier process for everyone :mrgreen:

I didn't say where because it doesn't really matter where. Thanks for those in Beijing, I will look into them.

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